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HoD Bch

0411.09: Status of the IKC Qob-Lakota

0411.09: Status of the IKC Qob-Lakota


The condition of the IKC Qob currently in drydock on QonoS since 0408.18 was evaluated as salvageable, and repairs are nearing completion. In the interest of furthering diplomatic relations, the Federation and Klingon Councils have agreed to maintain the physical Lakota components on the Qob as well as to launch a landmark venture: The Qob-Lakota will continue to operate as a joint Klingon-Federation vessel. Command and registry will remain Klingon. Crew personnel will be Federation and Klingon. The Klingon Council with advisement and collaboration from the Federation will authorize orders and missions.


The IKC Qob-Lakota will disembark on her first mission on 0411.30.


The crew is requested to report to the Qob on QonoS on 0411.23 for orders and ceremony.


The preliminary senior staff positions below are to be verified with Vice Admiral Huff and Chancellor Martok by 0411.16.


HoD Bch Commanding Officer

RawI’ Kwalus Executive Officer

Lagh Koralev Assistant Engineer


Lieutenant Commander Messner Chief of Security

Lieutenant Commander Rhoz Chief of Medical

Lieutenant Senior Grade Van Roy Chief of Engineering

Lieutenant Perfect Chief of Science

Lieutenant Garnoopy Assistant Chief of Medical

Lieutenant Daryus Assistant Security

Lieutenant Junior Grade Angie Assistant Science

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