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Dr. Koshic N'Dak

Starfleet Anthropological Dept.

Stardate 0403. 14


>Begin Report<


Race: Thalonian


Official Name: Thalonian Empire

Home world: Thalon

Race Classification: Humanoid

SD of Last Survey: 10456.21


Technological Level: 14


The Thalonians are an advanced space faring species, with a technological ability similar to that of the Cardassian Union or the Romulan Star Empire.


Socio-cultural Level: 10


Sector 221-G is home to the Thalonian civilization and seat of the once powerful Thalonian Empire. Several thousand years ago a powerful, star-spanning civilization, sometimes called the Uber race, began to deposit criminals, unsavory individuals and political exiles on the planet Thalon. At the time, the planet was believed to be a cold, infertile world. These people were sent to Thalon in large space arks, and were not expected to survive. The planet proved very fertile, however.


They are a technologically sophisticated species of sentient humanoids. They are dark red skinned people with protruding brows, small eyes and arched eyebrows.


They ruling body is an oppressive regime encompassing many systems in Sector 221-G, with the Thalonian Royal Family ruling with an iron hand.


Thalonians are a secretive, xenophobic race who have kept to themselves over the past 100 years.


Additional Notes:


The Thalonian government appeared to have had some dealings with the neighboring Danteri Empire, a recent addition to the Federation of Planets.



>End Report<

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