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Personal Log Dr. Bell-Krasner


Sometimes people do things on this ship, which make me wonder if I actually

belong. My father always told me to do what I thought was right, especially in a

situation such as this one. No doubt he has gone through situations where he was

forced to make the unpopular decision or even one which was against orders. In

fact one of those decisions ended up saving the life of Captain Rachel Garrett.

Now I find myself in one of those situations. I have come up with several plans

of how to get us closer to getting our ship back and yet everytime I try

something it is rejected. However, as a doctor it is my job to ensure the health

and welfare of every single member of the crew. Since Dr. Mele's plan was

unsuccessful I believe it is my duty to come up with something and bring it to

my superiors. However, so far, when I try to do so, they simply tell me to go

away or to "wait." Dr. Farron even tried to have me thrown in a makeshift brig

because I was talking to saar which was a violation or her direct orders. How in

the hell can I wait when the lives of our crew hang in the balance. Every day

more and more people become discontent at our situation. I have noticed that

Admiral Atragon himself has also become somewhat discontent. Which is why I find

it so hard to understand why I am being scoled. We are stranded on a planet with

no conceiable way to get our ship back and people are quoting regulations to me,

and telling to me to stop talking to our ONLY messenger to the outside World.

Saar may be evil however, he may be our only way out, if we can convince him or

"trick" him into getting us what we want. I know I am duty bound to follow

orders, but I will not stand idly by while our crew and perhaps our Admiral go

insane because of the situation at hand. As many a starfleet officer has said

"Let the regulations be dammed!" I may be forced to try something drastic and if

I am punished for it, so be it. Just as long as it gets us back on our ship!


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