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Guess whos coming to dinner??

The silence was awkward..even for Rok.


Finally, the woman spoke again, giving Rok a bit of a patronizing look.. "Whats wrong, aren't you glad to see your mother?"


Rok quirked a brow... "My mother died several years ago...Im not exactly sure what you are..."


Tam'arras doppelganger laughed a bit.. "ahh, yes..what would the Terran author Dickens have to say about me...am I a blot of Mustard...a crumb of cheese..a..."


Rok interrupted... "to be sure, theres more of Gravy than grave with you. However, I am curious as to why you are here and what you have to say."


Her look hardened..taking on a more ominous visage.. "are you sure...you seemed to have already overlooked a key element in this conversation..not very observant for a wanna-be head of security..." She waited, and when Rok didnt take the bait, she continued.. "you havent asked where HERE is..do you know?"


Rok looked around...up til now he had only focused on her and as a result..she was the only thing in focus. Slowly the rest of the room began to form..the floor..the walls...the windows..and finally the door..or rather..the doorway..the door lay in pieces..the wood splintered and broken. Rok knew this room..and he did not want to be here. This was where his mother had died all those years ago...but the room and the memories were getting painfully sharper.


Rok looked back at the image of Tam'arra.. "Why have you brought me here?"


Now the woman DID laugh.. "Me? Bring you? You are in the pilots seat, we are simply along for the ride." Rok was about to inquire as to what she meant by we when two other figures formed on either side of the table.


The first figure...cold and stoic...the epitamy of rational; the next...volitale, but vulnerable...caring, it seemed. Rok was taken aback, however, when the faces formed..each one being him! He once again focused on the woman.. "Alright, no more word games or metaphors...who are you...and what is the point in all this?"


The woman frowned... " Alright...lets begin then..shall we? You blame your father for the death of your mother. He overlooked some rather important cultural faux pas on a first contact mission. The inhabitants were split...a disident group formed..they stormed the main hall looking for your father, but found only their ambassador and your mother...both of which were beheaded...in an attemptto stall the negotiations..is that correct?"


Rok lifted his head from his hands and looked at the image of his mother... "that is correct...my father should have been the one to die."


The womans voice started to lilt a bit... "Oh really...and what would be different...would you be you..do you even know who YOU are? You have spent your entire life trying to be something for someone else...so why didnt you mention blaming yourself for your mothers death..and do not try to deny it..I am, afterall, part of you, so I know whats going on in that head of yours."


Rok raised a brow.."so you are not my mother...then" The woman continued, not missing a beat.. "Answer the question! Do you blame yourself..yes or no?"


Rok answered slowly...reliving the day... "It was our day to explore..we were to go site seeing on the planet..but I wanted to see Tommy Tuckers model shuttle collection..so I backed out...she went to the planet, alone..and she died."


The woman looked down a moment..."I see...so..your mother died because you had a play date..."


The Vulcan Rok spoke.. "I see no reasons for insults..there was no play..just a healthy curiousity concerning the shuttles. However, you deduction is correct, his actions did lead to you..err...her going to the planet and ...eventual death."


The other Rok exploded... "WHAT? Are you nuts? He was 6..what would you have him do..lead an armed party down to capture the dissidents? It was not his fault...it ws no ones fault..it was unfortunate...but only the people who murdered her can be held responsible...If you had half a brain you would see that you green blooded calculator."


Rok looked back and forth between his two selfs...


The Vulcan Rok replied..."and if you were not such a mush mouthed..bleeding heart.."I want to feel better about myself"...none of this would be necessary."


Without warning the Beta Rok lept across the table attacking the Vulcan Rok..sending the table and Ki'rok flying backwards..only Tam'arra remained seated where the table had once been .


Rok tried to stand while his other selves pounded one another. The woman, who had almost started glowing spoke..directly into Roks mind..."This is why you are here..how long can these two battle one another?" He watched them flail around destroying everything they came in to contact with... "they are the same essentially...I believe they would be equally matched.." The woman nodded.." They will continue indefinitely..you must choose the victor..or they will never rest."


Rok shook his head..and closed his eyes..."this isnt my fault..its not my fault..."


The two fighters, beaten and covered in green blood paused long enough for the Vulcan Rok to speak..." Of course you are...If we are parts of you then logically..."


Rok screamed and struck the Vulcan..."$%*# your logic! I have had enough.."

With that, he grabbed the Vulcan Rok and began dragging him across the room. The woman continued to speak in his head..."You must choose...NOW!" Her voice was now almost frantic..."No more Doctors, no more meds...you must be who you are."


The Vulcan tried to resist.. "You do not know what you are doing...you need me..without me there will be...chaos...anarchy....STOP!"


Rok stopped in the doorway..."what would you call the last few months?" With that he kicked the Vulcan sending him out the door..into the swirling mist beyond.." Slowly, the door began to reform..all the pieces gathering to form a solid unitil finally with a deafening "click" the door shut...and Roks mind..exploded. He grabbed his head and fell to the floor. Tam'arra Ki..knelt by his side..and touched him on the temple..."you have chosen..now rest...all in good time"


In the dimly lit chamber of Ki'rok, the Vulcan, swayed back and forth, drenched in sweat..until he collapsed..falling head first in to the table. The candles, on both sides fell, igniting the Vulcan Robes hanging on the portside bulkhead. The fire suppression system engaged before the fire could spread further..and Rok...lay unconscious..oblivious to it all.

Edited by Ki'rok

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