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A mission gone wrong...

October 9th, 2154: 2200 Hours


Ensign Jon Marks stood at the base of the camp, looking out into the forest shrubbery and trying to figure out how such a routine mission had gone so wrong. All he had to do was lead into the forest, find the suitable food source, kill and capture, and take it back to camp. Instead, everything fell apart...


Things started off fine until a literal army of those boar things rushed from the woods and started gnawing at them. Out of pure desperation, Jon had fired a shot at a tree branch, intending to knock it down and scare off the boars. Next thing he knew, a woman fell out of the tree, obviously one of the inhabitants of Acamar. Jon couldn't help but sigh at the thought of the woman going down although he had to admit, he had no idea of knowing about the woman.


Doing a mental rundown of his briefing, the sensors revealed none of the locals to be around their entrance point. He would have to talk to Lt. Gamble about the sciences doing more thorough scans before just sending people in to hunt. Hopefully Gamble could talk to the Commander or the Commodore about that. Of course, that would have to wait as Gamble would first have to explain how a member of the crew managed to get Percussion Grenades down on the surface.


Grenades... With that one word Jon was forced to just shake his head in disgust. As much as he thought about it, he just couldn't imagine the mindset of the crewmember who decided to be a hero and toss a grenade, much less a crewmember not involved with security. Seceretly he hoped that Gamble and himself would get a chance to talk to this crewman about the proper use of weapons and when to rely on the expertise of Security.


Taking another deep breath, Jon decided to check on the condition of the woman. He walked towards the makeshift medical tent where Dr. McDaniel worked on her. Jon began opening his mouth to say something, but was forced to stop himself. He thought back to when they first arrived on the planet and how he brought up the nerve to ask her out to dinner. Jon had hoped she would be flattered, but instead, she looked at him like he had three heads.


Pushing that out of his mind, Jon saw one of Dr. McDaniel's nurses walk away from the young Acamarian woman. He recognized the nurse as a Ensign Jennifer Garrett, a younger petite blonde he had met during the Challenger reception. Putting out an arm to stop her, Jon cleared his throat. "How is the woman?" Jon asked.


Ensign Garrett looked back to Dr. McDaniel and made a so-so motion with her head. "Not too bad actually. The shot actually only grazed her, but it was enough to knock her out of the tree."


Jon cocked an eyebrow. "So the fall knocked her out and not the stun?"


"Correct," she replied. "There was some minor phase burns, but nothing to worry about. The only thing the doctor is worried about is her head injury."


Jon thought that over for a second. "Well let me ask, if we were to stablize her and put her back where she fell, would she know we were even here?


"Probably not," Jennifer replied. "Unfortunately, if what I am hearing is right about someone setting off a grenade is true, her finding out about us will be the least of our problems."


Jon was forced to nod and admit it could only be a matter of time before the Acamarians came to investigate what had happened. "Indeed. Well thank you."


"Anytime," Jennifer mused.


As Ensign Garrett walked off, Jon let his gaze fall back to the forest. There was going to be a lot of questions to be answered andhe did not look forward to the part he was to play in it...

Edited by Dustin_Marks

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