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Passion Awaken

Erei’Riov Destorie N’Dak

CSEC | RES Talon

SD 0410.08




N’Dak turned the corner exiting the HIC, leaving his assistants behind. He was seething. Not only because t’Aehjae had once again forced his hand—but because he had been brow beaten by that—that—words escaped him.


His “chipper” mood had been ruined and now he found himself launched back into planning for the attack. He had seen in the HIC just a few moments before, that his “assistants” weren’t as good as those in the battle simulations he had ran when formulating his plan. It would have to be modified in order to compensate for their, and perhaps his own (although he would likely na admit to it, incompetence.


Fuming he continued down the corridors. “Na Casualites!” he stormed as he entered the TL. “Engineering! H’Nah!”


His voice rattled back and forth in the small TL, but that didn’t seem to phase the level of emotion in his voice. “This man is unreasonable,” he continued to himself. “We are na super-Rihans!


“He expects me to make it through a highly dangerous mission, against an intricate and complex enemy with na yy’a! I think there is a Lloann’na phrase to describe that I believe it is called PIPE DREAM!”


He grumbled to himself for a few more seconds, then regained his composure as the wheels began to turn. “If it is na yy’a he wants, it’s na yy’a he gets.”


A slightly demonic smile came across his face. “But Oh there will be much yy’a on my hands, but na io drop of green blood will be spilt.”


N’Dak had held off on a full-scale military assault on the blobs, but h’nah if it was death to the blobs tr’Psichore wanted, it was death to the blobs he'd get. Some might call what was formulating in N’Dak’s head as overkill, but that’s exactly what he wanted, he wanted every slimy repugnant bouncing blob on the planet dead, even if that meant blowing up the planet.


Yes, he was going to kill them all. As he made his way down to engineering to find R’tor, he had two new projects for her to complete, and a new job for his old friend Koga.


As he walked, he tapped up new orders on the ISD he had been carrying with him. Now the entire D’heno, excluding a very few for a skeleton team to remain behind on the ship, would be going on the assault team, in doing so, he had doubled the number of freeze and kill teams, also doubling the number of Nitro-Guns to be replicated. But increasing troops was not the only addition to his plan.


tr’Psichore wanted them ready for all methods of attack, and that’s what he was doing. He would deploy troops in Armored Mobile Assault units, the Lloann’na referred to them as “ARGO’s.”


Additionally, he wanted troops to be armed with nitro-grenades for freezing vast swaths of blobs.


And then, there was the other idea he had been formulating—Air Power. He would ask—Pexil he believed was his name—to rig the REF’s to be bombers to provide the ability to dust the LZ and provide air support for the ground troops.


He entered Engineering with a smile on his face that he had probably na ever worn in that place, but he had his reasons.


Much yy’a was about to ensue, but it would be the blobs that paid the price. They would learn na to ever challenge the chosen again.


And now this was personal. N’Dak was na about to allow tr’Psichore to brow beat him, or demean him in anyway, again. That dangerous streak in Destorie’s personality had been awaken, and there would be hell to pay.


If the crew thought they had seen N’Dak at his most volatile before, they were in for a surprise, because now, not only had his worth as an officer been challenged, but his worth as a Rihan had been challenged, and nothing got N’Dak’s green blood boiling like a challenge to his Rihanness.



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