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Shady Klingon

Time for the Final Act



In a shady room, a Klingon sat in a dark room, the only thing illuminating the room a display, emitting a rather ominous glow. He was looking at a display, waiting for a call for someone to come in. His plan of taking the House of Vax had been put into motion since long before the QoB had returned. It was a long story, with its twist and turns, as if it was some really bad Human soap opera.


The Klingon that sat in the room was a long lost relative of BcH and Mn’stral, a descendant of their grandfather, a long lost cousin, one could say, of BcH and Mn’stral. The house that they had now, and all its rights and powers, were rightfully his, but he had little interest in it from when he was young. He knew that he would build his own house, one of bigger and greater prestige than any BcH and Mn’strals grandfather and father could ever hope for, and to take it over and crush their father’s dream of having a powerful house in the Empire. He had accomplished many great deeds very quickly and soon became an influential member of the High Council, and now he had the power to quietly take care of the House of Vax, and finally make it his own.


He knew that if he got rid of BcH first that he would her sister Mn’stral would easily be taken care of. What he did not hope on was the loss of the IKC QoB, this just happened by fortune; even though he was the one that signed the final recorded orders of the QoB, he knew that no one would ever suspect his motives of taking over the House of Vax, even if it was an accident in all truth. But he knew what he was sending BcH and the crew of the IKC QoB into when he signed those orders, but he didn’t care for the repercussions that followed.


After BcH’s ship disappeared, he knew that taking the House of Vax would be simple, the only problem was that the if he did take it over, so shortly after BcH’s disappearance, that many on the council would become curious as to what really happened and why, and he didn’t want any correlation to be found. So, like a lion hiding in the tall grass, he bidded his time, keeping a close eye on Mn’stral, who was now the head of the House of Vax. Over the years, he was surprised by Mn’strals unfortunate accidents that would happen to her husbands, and how she should would add on the land and power of her husbands house to the House of Vax, and he sat and watched as the House grew more and more powerful, all the more better when he’d finally take it over.


A few months before the actual return of the QoB, the Klingon in the dark had read about a drunken Klingon who had bonded, a few months before, with Mn'stral, and was poised to gain the House of Vax; a man by the name of K'Tort. The anonymous Klingon had coerced K'Tort, shortly after the return of BcH and the QoB. He had managed to get K'Tort to agree to take out BcH, Mn'stral, Messner, and BcH's sons, and he agreed that he would help K'Tort gain full power of the House of Vax; which of course was a lie. After they were all gone, the mysterious Klingon planned on taking care of K'Tort, and planned on finally accomplishing his goal of taking the House of Vax over, since it would be far easier with K'Tort in command of it, but he knew that he'd have to be extremely cautious in taking care of all them, cause a few eyes on the council were already on him, even after the return of the QoB; more than he probably would've liked.


Of course, the mystery Klingon was not idiot. He had hired someone to keep a very close eye on K'Tort, and BcH and everyone else, to make sure that K'Tort wouldn't mess it all up. At last check, his spy had reported that BcH and friends was heading into a forest on the land of their house. This would be the perfect time for K'Tort to close the deal and end this entire web that has been woven, and that the mystery Klingon would finally get is due cause. The display chirped, and here appeared the mug of a Klingon, who had a very distinguishing scar on his cheek, and he appeared slightly wizened.


"Sir, It is done. K'Tort, the fool, has failed us, so I took matters into my own hands, there's no way BcH or Mn'stral, or anyone survived my bomb." the scarred Klingon said.


"Good...Do you have they're heads? I want to see them" the mystery Klingon replied.


"Their heads, sir? No...I'm sorry, I don't...I simpled assumed that they died in the blast. Their's very little chance that they are still alive." the scarred Klingon said.


Even though the mystery Klingon's face was not visible, he perked his brow, "You did not check to see that they all died? You do know if any of them lived that this isn't over, and if they find out it was you, then they will link you back to me." the mystery Klingon said calmly. "Make sure they are dead, and bring me something to show me they are, I don't care what you do. I want all of their heads lined on a platter to display on my dinner TABLE!" he added, raising his voice at the end.


The Klingon with the scar bowed and responded. "Yes, sir. I will make sure that you have their heads." he replied, closing the comm.


The mystery Klingon continued to sit in the room, with the lights still down, he drummed his fingers on the armrest of his chair. This drama was entering the final act, and someone, as Shakespearean as it sounded, was going to die, no matter what.



Edited by Shady Klingon

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