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Topical Exploration

Personal Stardate 0410.01

Ensign Dave Grey



Well, it finally happened.


I touched foot on truly alien soil.


Technically, Martian soil is “alien”. But this is really, really alien. Acamar III looks a lot like Earth, it’s kind of hard to remember that I’m several light-years away already. I can even hear birds.


I didn’t expect to be this excited. Cataloguing flora and fauna is once again a biologist’s pursuit. But I signed on as a scientist, and that is what I shall do. So far the area seems rather dense in vegetation, with overt wildlife, but nothing remarkable or unique yet, with the exception of some berries that look promising. I’m going to continue in a circle.


The last few days have been an odd mixture of boring and exciting. I’ve yet to settle into any sort of rhythm on the ship, unfortunately. Hopefully the stellar analyzer is continuing to separate the proteins properly; meanwhile I have to find alternative sources of food.


With the damage to the warp drive, and the resequencers, our mission has not exactly started out smoothly. The strange thing was, I didn’t expect it to start smoothly. Looking back, I think that I’m probably crazy to have joined the crew of a ship that is traveling light-years away from my home.


Yet I can’t help feeling elated at the prospects, the discoveries that we can make out here.


One of these days, my ambivalence will get me killed.

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