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Cptn Elias Moore

First Officer's Log

My team has arrived on the surface of Acamar III aboard the shuttle Exploration. At least, that's what I'm calling it for the time being, since a majority of the team decided it would be a good name. It might not be the most subtle name, the most historically or literarily significant name, or named after a woman, but it's certainly a lot better than "Shuttle Pod 1."


Aside from the basic scientific studies, our purpose here on Acamar is to replenish Challenger's kitchen. We're going to need all the authentic grub we can get to make sure that the chef's stock doesn't deplete while the protein resenquencers are down. If that means we have to go primitive (provided that the term can encompass the use of scanners and phase pistols), so be it.


The plant and animal life on Acamar will be our targets. Doctor McDaniel will have to determine what is or isn't safe for consumption, at which point we can start moving supplies up to the ship. I brought along Lieutenant Gamble and Ensign Marks in case any of the local wildlife prove to be dangerous and decide that we're encroaching upon their territory. They'll also be our most valuable gatherers. And Lieutenant Giovanni and Ensign Grey were more eager enough to explore an extrasolar planet, even one so similar to Earth.


Acamar is home to an intelligent species that bears a stark resemblance to a pre-industrial humankind. Although I wouldn't mind meeting a few of the natives and extending a friendly hand, the Commodore wants us to keep our distance. It's for this reason that we're sitting in a region of the planet in the pitch of night, which could make our gathering efforts fairly difficult. We also have the eye in the sky, Challenger, looking out for us, which should be ample warning if any of the natives stray too close.


I'm hoping that, once we have the camp secured, the Commodore will accept our invitation to bring down a few more of the crew. We can build a campfire, roast some of the wildlife, and tell ghost stories... the kinds of things kids never have the opportunity to do growing up on dusty red planets.


Alas, my mind strays from the mission. The team has already set out on their objectives, under instruction to not wander too far from the camp or from each other. I myself plan to have a bit of a look around... and maybe locate Doctor McDaniel and get to know her a bit better. I was cooped up in that damned drydock base with nothing but physicists, engineers, and snotty filing clerks for far too long...

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