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Saek tr'Vosh


Saek stood in the empty briefing room. He had hoped Dhar would defend herself in front of the other officers but she was still unsure of herself..pity...she had potential, he thought.


Suddenly, it occured to Vosh...t'Aejhae possibly viewed him in that manner...and NDak...well everyio knew how he viewed everyio else...inferior...waste of space...a nuisance. It seemed the lessons learned on the planets surface were going to be short lived. Perhaps the problem was na with the other members of the crew...perhaps the problem was with him..and his blasted duality. Some changes were in order...and he needed to make them happen. He would confront t'A and explain that he was still a little stressed from the attack on the planet instead of writing her up...na sense in her gettting her legs broke again. He would na let his hatred of the blobs take over his judgement...he would conduct himself as an officer of the Galae..this was the path he had chosen and he would walk it with honor and destinction...but perhaps a move would be beneficial...something to consider, at least.


Vosh picked up the ISD on the table and proceeded to the HIC. Ironically it was the same HIC were he and tr'Vixen had been nearly yy'a'd. Now, he had programmed the blobs to attempt the same thing...in order to test the freeze, yy'a plan they had. Once Engineering completed a prototype, he could use it to gauge the creatures response time. If all went well, he would let NDak know and bring the freeze teams in to practice before going planetside.


The time was almost at hand...now to see if their plans would pay off...

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