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Ensign Goad Personal Log Stardate 0302.13

::Recorded using the enviormental suit computer uplink to the Runabout Atlantis::


Computer, Begin Recording


I started out today by going to check on Ensign Kroells in sickbay. I had heard he had gotten some sort of bug while on the away team at the Romulan base. When I arrived one of the new doctor’s was taking a look at him. I tried to talk to him and get some small talk going, but he seem rather snappy. I later heard rumors that he was in sort of other on-ship trouble as well, which could explain the way he was feeling. So having nothing else to do in sickbay, I headed for the bridge to check up the storms down on the surface.


Upon arriving on the bridge I found Ensign Van Roy to be the only one there, apparently the rest were in an impromto meeting in the Captain’s ready room. After welcoming Van Roy back on board from the away mission, I begin my duties at the science station. Lt. Sivuk had left me some information pertaining to the storms, which I quickly looked over. It seems our suspicions where most likely true, his information showed that the storms were generated artificially and controled from the Romulan base.


No sooner had I finished reading this, than the entire senior staff exited the Captain’s ready room. Orders and comm links starting going on all over the place, so it took me a moment to figure out what was going on. Sivuk came over and informed me that the plan was to take another away team down to the surface to try and gain control over the storms, and make first contact with a creature that Kroells had let out of it’s cyro unit on the previous away mission. Sivuk and I were to represent the science department on this mission, and we were to report to the shuttle bay in 10 minutes.


Moving quickly we arrived in the shuttle bay, and started gearing up. This time down we are taking a runabout instead of the smaller shuttle that was taken down on the previous away mission. We were also taking enviormental suits, full tricorders, and small hand phasers. Sivuk was a bit hesitant to take a phaser, being a Vulcan he is mostly against any form of violence unless it is needed for survival. I on the other hand spent a whole year training to be a tactical officer at the academy, even before I began my science training. That experience taught me to always be prepared, so I was glad they were requiring phasers for the entire team.


After waiting for one of Lt. Shamor’s security officers to get finished with her physical in sickbay (I believe her name was Sarah or something like that), and then join the away team, we left the Reaent and landed just outside the Romulan base. Being cautious as always, Commander Ridire had the security team walk in front of everyone else, just in case the lifeform that was discovered last time decided to get hostile. Finding nothing, we entered the main control area of the base. After some work in decoding Romulan writing, I think we have found the weather control panel. I’m working now trying figure out this Romulan system, and gain control of the storm…


Computer, End Recording.

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