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Guest brad

First Log


Begin recording personal log.


I started my first shift on board and met some of the crew already but just after i was settleing in we were hijacked by a life form that took over our first officer. We aare now stuck on a planet that seems to give us what we want and not hurt us and these life forms are the same. I had not even officaly done a shift in engineering since coming on boiard and now we are all stuck on this planet and have no way of getting back to the ship. I am worries about our Lt.Cmdr Tovan as has been acting rather strangly but it could also be the planet. The captain is an interesting person and i have already had a beef with the CMO as he wants to give me a physcial but i won't have one. I look forward to getting to know everyone else better and hope to be back on my ship soon.



End personal log.

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