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The Eye of War

Daise’Khre’Riov Destorie N’Dak

Galae Commander

SD 0409.20




The big monitor in the Galae war-room flickered to life, as a pool of high ranking Rihannsu brass watched with measured anticipation, or was it anxiety as the newest NX-class warship was launched in orbit from the fourth planet of the Sol system.


A sigh could be heard as the ship jumped to warp; it was clear that most of the occupants of the room had fully expected the ship to blow up before it ever cleared the Asteroid belt.


Just as mummers in the room started to pick up to a level of whispers, the tall, imposing Commander of the Rihannsu Galae, N’Dak, came to the front of the room. He did not need to quite the room, his mere presence was enough to silence the whispers.


“Well,” he said flatly. “They did na blow up yet.”


Stiffened laughter over came the room for a few moments as they made light of an ever dangerous situation. After those few moments were over, N’Dak spoke again, this time with no hint of humor to him.


“As we all saw, the Lloann’na continue to be a threat to us,” he said his voice rising barely above its normal booming pitch. “Our spy satellites are continuing to monitor the situation closely, but h’nah that is na enough.”


The audience seemed to react to this in the same way—arched eyebrows all around.


“We are sending a scout vessel to shadow them—from a far distance.”


A nod of approval came over the room as N’Dak continued. “As au may know, the Galae is being expanded to almost double what it currently is,” he said. “This means that each of au will be incharge of roughly twice the forces au are currently at.”


Again the audience nodded in approval. “Additionally, au are to begin the war game exercises as noted in au briefings, as of this moment we are at war with the Lloann’na scum. Au and aur fleets are to be at full wartime deployment,” he paused. “However, au are na to make contact with the Lloann’na, is that clear?”


A resounding “Ie” came over the room.


The briefing continued as N’Dak explained the multifaceted war-plan of the Rihans. It would take almost two years to put it all together, but he felt sure that it would be worth the wait when he crushed the Lloann’na scum beneath his boots.




After the meeting, N’Dak was alone in the war room when a young Enarrain entered the room.


“Rehhkai, au sent for me?”


N’Dak turned to see the face of his Eldest brother’s young son before him. “Ie,” N’Dak said to the younger N’Dak. “It is agreablle to see you again, tr’Rheank.”


The younger N’Dak bowed slightly, “As it is to see au, hru'hfirh.”


Destorie smiled at the respect the younger N’Dak showed him. “I have an assignment for au.”


tr’Rheank nodded attentively. “Ie?”


“Au are being assigned to the scout ship Eaglewing, where au will assume command,” he said a hint of pride in his voice. “Then au are to proceed with much stealth to these coordinates where au will monitor the new Lloann’na threat.”


He handed him an ISD with a set of coordinates on it. “Is that all Rehhkai?”


Destorie nodded. “Ie, but remember, au are to keep aur distance. And do na, for any reason allow auself to be detected. If au presence becomes known, destroy au ship.”


tr’Rheank nodded slowly. “Ssuaj-ha!”


“Because if au mission is compromised and au return in failure, I will yy’a myself.”


tr’Rheank was all to aware of the truth in Destorie voice as he nodded slowly.


“H’Nah…au leave at once.”


With that, tr’Rheank was off to the small scout vessel Eaglewing which was docked high above ch’Rihan. He was being sent to a location known to the Rihans as the Outmarches, just a few light years away from Challenger’s current position.




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