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A meeting of friends...

A joint log by Ensigns Aaron Westler and Jon Marks


September 11th, 2154 1700 Hours


Jon stepped down from the transport with his bag over his shoulder and his box under his arm. He looked around the bustling station, smiling at the anxious people rushing from place to place. Looking up, he could see the Challenger waiting in dry dock through the large windows. A rush of pride swept him as Jon shifted his bag and made way towards the shuttlebay. Suddenly, a voice stopped him. "JON!!! JONATHAN!!!"


Jon whipped around to see a face he never would of imagined. Stepping off from an Adjacent Transport, Ensign Aaron Westler rushed forward. Jon couldn't help but be shocked, even though he knew his old friend would be serving aboard the Challenger as well. Jon extending his hand and smiled. As they shook, Jon said "Well... If it isn't the most successful Security dropout I ever seen!"


Laughing, Aaron replied "Hey... It was for only one class as an elective! And besides, I remember someone else taking Engineering for a semester and failing..."


"Because you made me take it!!!" Jon retorted. The good natured bashing of both friends shown true as the two haven't had a chance to do it for a while. Meeting each other in the acadamy, Aaron and Jon quickly became friends and stayed in touch throughout the acadamy. "You always needed a big brother there to tell you what to do," Aaron said. A verbal pull to the fact he was a few months older then Jon.


Jon smiled and the two began to walk towards the shuttles. "So tell me Aaron, what have you been up to this last year?"


"Wow, it's been a year then huh? Well, I was assigned as you know to that plant in Illinois, which was luckily was close to home. Let me tell ya pal, it's not fun sitting at a desk. I spent a bunch of time with my folks, and found a coupla gals, but they never seemed to stick around." He punched Jon friendly in the arm. "What about you?"


A small bit of laughter escaped Jon's throat. "Heh... I got assigned to a Lunar Base protecting a bunch of scientists from god knows what. No action, repitive duties... A real bore. And you know me, I can handle boredum for only so long. So after a year there I figured why don't I attempt to put my talents somewhere new. Maybe in exploring and protecting on new worlds. So six weeks ago I applied for Challenger, here I am, and thats that. How about you, what took you from your cushy job in Illinois to here?"


"Believe it or not, they sent me a message 2 or 3 days ago asking me to join the crew. I was suprised, and almost didn't accept. But of course the 'rents pushed me into going"


Jon cocked his eyebrows. "'Rents', who are the 'rents?"'


"Pa-'rents, Jon. Parents. Don't tell me you never spoke like a teenage gangster from the 20th century..."


Jon just shook his head. He had familiarized himself with 19th century history, not 20th. He said just as much. Aaron had to laugh. "Well then, we should have those 200 years down pat between the two of us. Anyways, do you know where you're going?"


Looking around, Jon saw a single sign that said "NX-Challenger Depatures." Jon nodded towards it and the two walked over. "Well, I guess this is our stop."


"Yep." Aaron checked a computer screen next to the sign. "Hey look, the next departure is in 8 minutes. Let's hurry down there."


Jon looked over the smaller and bit more paunch Aaron. "Um... I know watching ship building can be hard work, but I don't you have kept yourself well enough in shape to make that shuttle." Jon smiled and elbowed a good natured blow to Aaron's ribs.


"Oof." He jabbed Jon back. "I think you'll see that I can make it..." He quickly picked up his bag and made a run for it down the hallway, which was luckily deserted except for a lone repairman.


"HEY!" Jon yelled after him as he hustled to catch him. Jon could help but beam inwardly as he spend to and changed pace to match his friend. With Aaron Westler on board, this was going to be a fun mission...

Edited by Aaron_Westler

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