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Tomorrow we launch.

Personal log, September 11, 2154:

Well, my second duty shift went very well. Had a warp field test for tomorrow's launch. The engine ran smoothly. This is a wonderful ship, can't wait to experience my first warp jump. Yes I ran simulation's when I returned to acadamy right before this mission, but the instructer said it was never quite the same. He should know, he was onboard on Enterprise's maiden voyage. Went to breakfast after my shift and saw a familiar face. The young woman I saw in academy was walking into the security office. So, she was assigned to Challenger. Don't know if she saw me. Going to have to say hi to her tomorrow at the cerimony. Zephram's adjusting well to life in our quarter's. I hope my cellmate is a cat person. Got a communication from my father. He'll be at the launch cerimony's with my mother, brother and sister. Well, going on duty shift again tonight. The ship purrs like a kitten. More later.


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