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Bill Gamble

The End at Last and New Beginnings.

<<OOC: I meant to put this out on Sunday, but it got lost in the depths of my computer and I just found it. So here it is and enjoy.>>


"The End at Last and New Beginnings."

Lieutenant William Gamble

Starfleet Weapon Systems Specialist

Head of Weapons Development. Challenger Project.

September 5, 2154.


Here Bill sat, at his desk, in disbelief. He had just signed off on the final report on the torpedo tube's uprated performance. That was the last of it, the phase cannon, the polarized hull, the torpedo tubes, it was all finally done. Bill couldn't help but look at the PADD that lay before him. There was still work to be done on the weapon and defense systems, but Bill knew that this 'Images' guy should be more than capable of handling the weapons testing on Challenger when it left dry dock.


Bill was still amazed at how he was capable of sticking to all the work he had to do over the last months. The piles of paperwork, the countless meetings, the almost infinite memos; he still managed through some how. The other thing that probably helped him over the last few tedious months was the assistance of his secretary, a Ms. Julia Roberts. Ms. Roberts worked so hard for Bill. She would always handle all of his memo's, his calender, his calls, and the organization of the constant paper work that would always bombard Bill's office. Bill owed Ms. Roberts so much, he didn't know how he could ever repay her in full for all the hard labor she did for him; He would try his best though.


The other thing that amazed him was that he didn't go mad or kill anyone during Challenger's construction. But, after they transfered to project to Mars, everything ran rather smoothly. The vast majority of the construction workers were very cooperative, even though you'd run across a bad apple every now and then. But, as the saying goes "All's well that ends well."


His office look almost barren as he had packed up most of his personal belongings for transfer back to Starfleet Headquarters. He couldn't help but look around and take it all in. His thoughts couldn't waiver from the fact that he was finally done. He couldn't help but smile as he stood in the middle of his office. He walked over to the huge window he had in his office and looked out, staring at the ship he just helped to build. Challenger really was a gem, and he felt nothing but pride and joy, he then turned around and walked back over to his desk. He leaned over his desk, pressing a button on the intercom, the only thing that actually remained in the office, to call his assistant.


"Julia, can you come in her please." he said.


"Sure thing boss." she replied, and with that she popped into the office. "I was just packing my things up boss. Ya need something?" she said.


He grabbed the nearby PADD and handed it to Julia. "That's the last report that needs to be filed with Commander Moore, afterwords...I'd like for you to meet me down on the Mars Colony. I'd like to invite you to dinner, a sign to show my eternal thanks for all the hard work you did for me." he told her.


Julia couldn't help but blush, "Why, sir...Thank you. Does eight sound good?", she said.


"Sounds great to me." he said with a smile.


Julia smiled back and turned to exit his office, but paused for a moment. "Oh. Lieutenant?", she said.


"Yes Julia?", Bill replied.


"Speaking of Commander Moore...There's a message for you from his office. It was marked as Classified, so I couldn't open it.", she told him.


"Classified you say? Alright, bring it here." he said.


Julia went back to her desk and retrieved the PADD that was marked classified, placing Bill's final piece of paperwork down. She turned around and re-entered his office, handing him the PADD. "Here you are." she said.


"Thanks." he replied.


He then entered the proper clearance code to access the file and read it over, while Julia stood by, wondering what it was.


"Well? What is it??" she asked after the minute of silence. Bill had a look of surprise on his face.


"Well. It my new orders...I'm to report for duty to Commander Moore. I've been assigned the Chief of Security on Challenger." he replied.


Julia smiled and bounced up and down. "This is great news! Bill, you aren't you excited???" she asked.


"Yes...I am...I'm actually speechless...", he replied. "But...", he added, "...it seems as if our work isn't quite done yet, Julia. I need for you to get in touch with Commander Moore's office. Tell them I need a roster, and that I want to run extra background checks on the senior staff, for precaution. So it would probably be a good idea for you to hang around for just a day or two while I put all of this in order." he said, with a smirk.


"You know me boss, always willing to help." she said with smile.


"Well, let's get started, we have work ahead of us.", he told Julia, with which she responded with a nod.


Bill thought that he could finally go on vacation and relax for a little bit, but he assumed too quickly. He was excited about the prospect of joining Challenger, but he knew that he wasn't out of the woods yet, there was still much to do before the celebrating could start.

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