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There and Back, again...

Ki'rok stood silently in the TL headed for SB2. He was intrigued by the Away Teams return, although their timing was incredibly bad. The term skeleton crew was never more apt..especially if there were fatalities..and if he understood the Doctor correctly, that was a definite possibility..and soon. He decided to update Lt. Link of the developments. He tapped his communicator..."Ki'rok to Lt. Link" No reply. The Vulcan frowned remembering Links appearance as he left the bridge.."Ki'rok to Lt. Link, please respond..." still, no response. "Computer" said Ki'rok, "Locate Lt. Link." Without hesitation "Lt. Link is in his quarters." was its reply. Ki'roks concern grew as he thought "surely he would have had a comment about the general quarters order." Ki'rok decided to try medical though he expected no immediate response from them either under these circumstances..."Ki'rok to medical...I am unable to contact Lt. Link..if possible can you send someone to check on him..otherwise I will do it myself...advise when possible...Ki'rok out" Ki'rok decided if he had not heard from him or medical following his brief with the AT, he would check on him personally.


The TL stopped and Ki'rok stopped outside Shuttle Bay 2. He had came down instead of using the comm system out of a bit a paranoia..and he was not looking forward to telling Will that the Admiral was in such bad shape..along with most of her crew. "If they were to come under attack for some reason..." Ki'rok shuddered at the thought. All thoughts of his immediate future had vanished with the more pressing matters at hand...and that was a good thing...now if only he had some good news.

Edited by Ki'rok

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