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Making a Mess of Things

Personal Log

Lt. (JG) Nemesis

Assistant Science Officer

USS Arcadia

Stardate: 110408.26


>Begin Log<


His body rematerialized in the brig, his eyes shifting from side to side grunting at his new surroundings. He could see a marine at the other side of the room, a large growl of rage bellowed from his chest as he began to charge at the marine only slamming into the force field that separated them. He rose from the floor furiously pounding at the field with relentlessness.


His uniform lay in tatters tightly wrapped around his body, it was obvious he significantly grown in mass, his muscles larger and his tail much longer. He was beginning to look less and less like himself and some strange Monkien marine and firstborn crossbreed, without the intelligence of either.


He began to slowly rip the brig bulkhead apart and trying to eat whatever he could get his hands on. Foam spread all over the floor of what was once the bed, the electronics of the replicator pulled from the wall. The marine on guard duty just keep looking at him saying “No you can’t do… oh crap” he was unsure whether or not he should try to stun the raging monkey or just wait for the Colonel to arrive before he took action, but several times raising his phaser and going near the button to lower the field but always backing out at the last moment.


Nem started to throw pieces of debris at the force field and then showing some form of laughter as the field began to shimmer as the debris hit. The marine only sighed happy that at least he was only using stuff he had already torn apart, not that there was much more left to tear apart. The brig was in complete tatters yet Nem looked oblivious to the damage that he had caused.


>End Log<

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