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Daryus' Log 0408.25

Personal Log: Stardate 0408.25

What a party! The Klingon's sure know how to throw a welcome home bash. The bloodwine was young and sweet, the gagh almost squirmed out of my bowl. Everyone was having a good time. Even Lt. Van Roy was seriously enjoying himself. I've never seen a Vulcan drink that much bloodwine, not to mention giving out a resounding unVulcanly belch. Sent subspace messages to my mother and daughter on Earth, telling them I'm alive and well, can't wait to see them. Sent another subspace message to my father on Cait, I'll bet he's releaved and will want to meet me on Earth. Looked all over for Angie and couldn't find her. She's worried that she won't have the proper equipment to regenerate once we reach Earth. I'm pensive about what lie's in my future. Will I be posted to a Federation ship or be allowed to continue my voyages with the Qob. These people may be of different races, but after 3 years serving with them they've become like a second family to me. I'm especially worried about Angie. I've gotten really close to that little Borg. Hopefully we can serve together again after shoreleave. Watched the proceedings. Realized after my tail went numb that I had drunk too much bloodwine, so started drinking Raktijino to sober up a bit. Angie showed up right at the end of the party and told me she had to speak with me alone. I wonder what that's all about? More later.


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