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Saek tr'Vosh

Paradise Lost

Saek stared in disbelief...the coordinates were confirmed..the clearing would be an ideal place for extraction..except for the fact that there was nothing here. He turned to watch the others emerge from the foliage..each acquiring the look of bewilderment he now wore. It just did na make sense.


They had beaten the body of water...although it had been touch and go for awhile. The water had soaked into his pack and it now felt as if it were made of rock. His trio had "captured" what they believed to be tr'Psichore..only to find out it was Angie. And then, comparing all their ISDs to see the extraction point mere meters away. This mission had been more than he had expected. He had gotten to know a crewmate better. He had hoped to get to know Pexil better as well but he just was na talkative. And that was probably what the Khre 'Riov had in mind..to frm relationships within the crew...but...when Saek learned the finish line was that close...something internal kicked in.


He had always had this...drive ...to be better...probably thanks to his father...inside of him. In the moment he learned the finish was at hand..all comradere vanished and Saek was bent in winning. NDak's wrath be damned..Saek wanted to WIN. He HAD to win...to prove to NDak, to prove to the Khre Riov, to prove to the rest of the crew....to prove to his father that he was na weak; that he was na only capable but worthy of greatness.


And so it would seem that he was the first to the extraction point...but what good was that if there WAS NA extraction point? Unless..they were missing some piece of the puzzle...but how could they find out? His crewmates all looked to him as if to say "now what?" The sad fact was...he had na idea.

Edited by Saek tr'Vosh

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