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Daryus' log: 0408.18

Security officer's log: Stardate 0408.18

I sat on the MeH nervous, tapping my console with my claws. I didn't like our situation. Cloaked, under the guns of another Klingon vessel, my weapons controls locked out by Van Roy. I looked over and saw that Angie5 was just as nervous as myself, despite the calm Borg apperance she always put's up. Kwalus and Bch were still answering to the High Council. Van Roy informed me that we were going to have guests and ordered all department's to make ready for inspection. He wispered to me to make sure all Federation equipment were to be kept out of the Klingon inspection teams sights. I ordered security to make ready. I was also ordered to post a guard at the nursery for young Presley. Messner met with Counsilman Konath. I met them in the transporter room to help with the tour. Messner ordered me to conduct the visitors to main engineering, but gave me that keep a close eye on them look I grew to know in my chief. I nodded and showed Konath and crew to ME. I could tell the councilman was wary of me. Some Klingons do not trust Caitian's. I learned this first hand visiting Qo'nos as a boy. But, I just calmly showed him my resolve as I led the tour. His engineers went right to work checking our systems and warp core. Konath demanded to know who was chief engineer. I informed him that Van Roy of Vulcan was or CENG, he demanded to see him. I called up to the MeH and Van Roy came down. After a rather heated exchange, heated on Konath's side and of course Vulcanly calm on Van Roys, Konath demanded to see the Qob's logs for the last three years. Van Roy told me to compile the duty logs and transfer them to Konath's ship. I called the MeH and Random sent them. Konath started berating Koralev, telling him he smelled fear on the young human. I knew why Koralev was edgy, just two days ago he killed 12 Klingon warriors with one push of a button. Koralev stood his ground and told the councillor of his action's. Konath asked if the Klingons's were without honor. When Koralev replied that they were Duras and honorless, Konath told him not to worry. Kwalus came onto the com and ordered all the crew to the messhall for a meeting. I went and sat next to Angie5. Kwalus informed us that the Qob was to be drydocked and all Federation personel shuttled back to their homeworlds for three months of leave. I was shocked. Home after three years. Thoughts of my family, my daughter flooded my mind. She was 11 when I left. I looked over and saw the calm Borg exterior melt away from Angie, she was livid. I don't know why. Kwalus told us that the High Council had prepaired a banquet in our honor, can't wait to have some fresh Gagh and some fine young Bloodwine.


On a more personal note. I got up the gut's to approch Angie about us, if not just to calm her on the MeH. I asked her if we got any shoreleave, would she like to spend it with me on Earth in New Orleans. She said yes, in her Borgified way of course. I hope to show her some of her more human side. She had just gone through dessimilation when we started academy. And, fresh out of there swept with this kitty into the Alpha Quadrent. She didn't have much time to experience being human again. I'm hoping this time on Earth she can loosen up a little. Maybe I'll take her to the Cat's Meow on Bourbon Street. More later.


Edited by DaryusZaphodDracal

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