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On the MaQja

Councilman Konath






Konath grunted as he read over the files on the IKC QoB. “Lost in the Alpha Quadrant…presumed destroyed…under command of HoD BcH…”


He was mumbling to himself, more than speaking in coherent sentences. He turned his attention to the view screen directly in front of him on the MeH of the mighty Negh’Var-class command ship, MaQja.


His fleet, along with QoB had entered a stationary position behind the 1st moon of Qo’Nos. Konath did not trust the human in command of the QoB, why should he. But he also knew that the man wasn’t stupid enough to go against Konath’s commands that no one was to beam to or make contact with the surface.


Nevertheless, Konath was taking no chances. It had always been that cautious thoroughness that had kept Konath alive and it would continue to for some time, if Konath had anything to say about it.


He was young for a councilman, something that some of the elders resented, but they would not say so openly for Martok had taken a liking to Konath. If for no other reason than Konath’s popularity through out the Empire.


Konath’s rise to power began in the Klingon Civil War. His father, an elderly general named Ken’Lah pledged his forces to Gowron, but due to advanced age was unable to lead them in battle. The natural choice was his son, Konath. Konath led his fathers forces to glorious victory along with the united forces of the Houses of Mogh and Gowron.


Following is service to Gowron and the Empire, during the Caradassian War, Konath was rewarded with the title HoD of a Vor’cha-class cruiser. But at the battle of Grenti Prime, he assumed command of the 4th Task Force when General Tarn’s vessel was destroyed.


Grenti Prime had been one of the few battles in which the Cardassians had an advantage in battle strength, but it was Konath’s brilliant command of the battle field that won the day for the Empire.


Grenti Prime had been one of the planets the Klingons kept after the disaster of DS9, and Konath had been appointed governor by Gowron himself.


When the Dominion War erupted, Konath was ordered to do what ever it took to maintain Klingon control of the Grenti Sector.


Despite overwhelming odds, Grenti Prime never returned to Cardassian Control. His reputation quickly spread through out the empire, and he was becoming among the most popular Governors in the Empire.


For his honorable service to the Empire, the new Chancellor Martok rewarded the House of Konath with many titles and lands, in addition to a seat upon the High Council.


Konath stood from his chair to his full height of well over 6’8.” He grunted at his Operations officer. “Do we have conformation that they are following orders?”


His operations officer nodded. “Hijja”


“Maj, Maj,”


Konath turned to face the Tactical officer next. “If they so much as move with out my express permission you are to destroy them,” he said with a deadly serious tone. “Do you understand?”






Konath turned to face the operations officer again, then to his science officer. “You and Engineering are to assemble a team to investigate the QoB. You have one hour to be ready. You will assemble in transporter room one. I will meet you there. I wish to see this Ghostship brought back from the dead myself.”


His RawI, who was standing next to him grunted in displeasure. “Is that…necessary Councilman? Perhaps you should take a guard detail with you.”


Turning to face the shorter Klingon, Konath flashed his well sharpened fangs. “I am quite capable of taking care of myself. See to it that preparations are made. Remind the crews of the battle fleet that absolute radio silence is to be maintained. If they so much as speak the word QoB to anyone that is not part of this operation, I will personally see to it they die, and that their families will be stripped of all honor. Is that clear??”


The RawI knew Konath meant every word. “Hijja!”


“Then see to it,” Konath said as he looked back to the Operations officer. “Contact the QoB inform them a Science and Engineering team will be beaming over in 1 hour. Do not tell them I am coming.”





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