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Hating the Dead

Personal Log

Lt. (JG) Nemesis

Assistant Science Officer

USS Arcadia

Stardate: 110408.05


>Begin Log<


Nemesis just stared at the place which where Hans had once stood. All that remained was just some black soot that stained the floor. His body remained motionless his tail not swaying as it normally did. He had seen it happen but did not realize what had been going on until now.


He was angry, angry at what Hans had done. He’s mind was not set on the heroism of what Hans had done but the stupidity. His body lay motionless but inside his mind he was screaming, the anger sweeping through his veins, now pulsating. His heart pounding in his chest yet he still remained still ignoring all others around him, all he could focus on was the new hatred and anger that was now festering inside him.


>End Log<

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