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Escape From Starfleet

"I want to get away. I wanna fly away"

- Lenny Kravitz


Brennan was sitting in the cafeteria drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette. It had been so long now since he'd arrived and they had learned nothing. Imag just wouldn't break. They had no idea who'd ordered this job, who'd financed it and most importantly who'd helped them from the inside. Unless somebody just came out of the woodwork and handed the guilty parties to them on a platter this would be hopeless.


An alarm went off. The entire complex burst into a cacophany of sirens and red lights.


Brennan ran. An older man than the others on the case here but with a lot of strength that years of work builds up. He also knew exactly what happened, he also dreaded that it was as bad as he thought.


He reached the maximum security wing, the forcefield gates had been smashed, the guards dead. One had his throat bitten out, klingon style. The prisoner's cell was open and empty. The other convicts found it all immensely amusing and were cheering.


But Brennan didnt have time to shut up a few demented killers, he had to get to the shuttle bay in time...he didn't.


The starfleet holding facility transport blasted out of the bay just as Brennan reached the entrance.


"Damn it!" he screamed. "I asked for round the clock, top security! What the hell is wrong with you people! You let him get away". The people he was shouting at wouldn't really be able to learn from their mistake, they too were dead.





Imag sat in the cockpit of the transport, the course set, Kronos. He wouldn't be able to hit the ship in construction again, far too risky. But he promised himself that one day he would have his vengeance. The ship known as Challenger would suffer for the senseless death of his best friend and for insulting his Klingon honour. He would return home and take over his cell of the brotherhood. A new plan would be formulated and one day the humans would suffer.




Brennan stood in the shuttlebay. His fists clenched. He promised himself that one day he would catch that murderer but more importantly he promised that he would find the people that helped him and make them suffer even more.

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