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Outta Time V

I continued my examination of the so-called time device when I began getting some anomalous readings. Due to the advanced nature of the device it took me some time to complete the analysis, but the result was inescapable. It was a bomb that was so positioned that, when it exploded, would take our warp core with it. Not an easy thing to replace in the early 21st century. I had to act fast.


I ordered the evacuation of Engineering, informed the MeH of the situation, and suggested they take us to Red Alert which they promptly did. Once Engineering was evacuated I asked for permission to eject the core, figuring that the warp core housing was repairable but the core itself was not. After discussion, which we really didn't have time for, I received begrudging permission to do so. After we ejected the core I hooked a tractor beam to it so as to not loose it.


I then required the use of one of medical's laser scalpels to separate the device from the housing. A standard blow tourch could have melted the housing and possibly caused the bomb to detonate prematurely so I needed a higher precision device. After some argument and an order from the Acting CO, Dr. Garnoopy came down to Engineering, scalpel in hand. I quickly snatched it from him - no time for politeness - and set to remove the device.


After cutting away the device I slaped my com badge on it, told the transporter room to lock onto my com signal, and beam the device to space. It exploded at some distance from us. The emergency situation resolved, I then beamed the core back to it's housing. I made sure the fit was solid before begining the process of beginning the anti-matter buildup to an axceptable level. Once that was done I caught my breath and proceeded to the MeH to give my report.


The device was a ruse, a decoy. It was designed to give off signals indicating it might be a time-displacement device so it took a while to detect. My guess is had we engaged the device untested we would be dead by now, and in permenant orbit above 21st century Earth, waiting to be discovered - which would pose just as grave a threat to the timeline as Picard's ancestor's assassination would. My theory is the Klingons sent to us by the other ship were on a suicide mission or had some way of beaming back to their ship. Their "plan B" was to use the device to either cripple us or distract us while the Klingons attacked. Fortunately we had attacked first, which is probably the only reason we are still here.


I suspect these Klingons never really developed time-travel abilities of their own but had found some kind of time rift and that's how they ended up here. I am tracing their impulse signitures hoping they will converge at the 21st century opening, but I suspect this opening has already been permenantly closed by the Enterprise-D.

Edited by Dumbass

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