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Fleet Status Report Alpha 01




TO: Rear Admiral Frederic Meve, Cardassia Sector Operations

RE: Fleet Status Report Alpha-01

STARDATE 0407.27



Below is classified information detailing recent activity within Starfleet Command which has taken place in sectors near your field of operations. Subject matter is for your eyes only, limited dissemination to individuals with security clearance alpha-one is acceptable as you see fit.




- Control of Starbase CAR47, otherwise known as Cardassian outpost Empok Now, has been transferred successfully back to the provisional Cardassian government. Transition teams will remain aboard the facility for approximately seven days before departing for Starbase 310.


- Communications Relay G-4021 near Tholian border remains offline while computer subprocessors are replaced by the U.S.S. Griffin, NCC-47854-B. Subspace communications traffic is currently being rerouted thru Communications Station Golf-472.


- The U.S.S. Yamato, NCC-71807-C, has been towed back to Starbase 173 following a complete engine drive failure. This follows the completed two year refit of the ship which was concluded in April. The ship's scheduled maping of the Beloti Sector has been cancelled.


- Commander of the Amatha Sector has scheduled a biocontainment drill for all outposts within that area. Be advised that Cardassian government officials have requested authorization to participate in this excerise. Per discussions by the Commander of the Cardassian Sector, all systems minus the Setlik and Chin'Toka areas will participate. As a result, Code 8 transmissions will be required to contact any port within the Amatha Sector.


- Be advised of increase freighter traffic enroute to the Bajoran wormhole. Phase III of construction has started for Project Camelot on the Gamma Quadrant side of the conduit. See Starfleet Secure Transmission 44938/33 of six days ago for further details.


- The U.S.S. Biko, NCC-50331-B, is hosting a diplomatic conference with representatives from the Tzenkethi Coalition. The goal of this excerise is to renew the treaty for the placement of Starbase 621 along their boarder, which is due to expire in five years.


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