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Destorie's Past: Meanwhile back at ch'Rihan



The shadow of clouds darted across the dark ch’Rihan night. Khre’Riov t’Shiea sat in a large park area on a bench. She could hear footsteps, one set, coming close to her.


She tensed nervously, running her hands down her thigh to where he Kaleh was holstered. She placed a shaky hand on it, just incase.


The footsteps grew closer and a lone cloaked figure came into the moonlight.


“Jolan tru,” the cloaked figure said as it approached. “Au are mehnka?”


“Ie,” t’Shiea said. “And au?”




The cloaked figure sat down next to t’Shiea. Its hands reached out and lifted cloak hood off its head, revealing Sub-Director t’Hijja.


“I assume au have heard the news?”




“Mehnka,” t’Hijja said in a hushed voice. “Then we can proceed, na?”


“Ie,” t’Shiea said. “It was a shame to…to lose this many, but…”


t’Hijja held her fingers to her lips. “Na here.”


t’Shiea nodded. “Very well,” she said. “I will begin the next step, as soon as au deliver on au end.”


t’Hijja nodded and reached for an ISD. “My end is complete. Once au have completed au part, I will contact the necessary parties, agreed.”




t’Hijja nodded brought the cloak back over her head and quickly exited into the shadows of the night. t’Shiea stood and sighed. “May the Elements guide me.”


She brought her own hood over her head and disappeared into the dark ch’Rihan night, headed towards Galae Command.


>to be Continued<

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