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Destorie's Past: Brought to His Knees

Author's Note: Part of the Backstory of the Daise D'heno's time on Qo'Nos before he was posted on the Talon. Enjoy. :D




Arrain Destorie N’Dak

CSEC | RES Talon

SD 0407.17




It had been sometime since the odd message had fallen into his hands. But he did not question his new orders—he did as told.


So now every morning, when he sent the Klingon fleet movements, he would secretly send a second set to a relay station. So far nothing else had happened. Today, that changed. It was afternoon on Qo’Nos, and the skies were cloudy, and eerie and foreboding sign.


N’Dak walked down the steps into the main corridor of the Embassy to find it buzzing with frantic voices. This was unusual for this time of day, but as he would shortly find there was nothing usual about this day.


“Elements,” said on the maids nearly fainting.


Another woman was crying, and even some of the men were visibly shaken.


N’Dak lifted his eyebrows and reached out, stopping one of the men. “What has happened?”


“Au have na heard?”


“Heard what?”


“There has been a disaster…”


“Disaster,” N’Dak said lowly. “What Kind?”


“The Dominion they have ambushed the Rihan, Klinghannsu, and Lloann’na Galae fleets at Nentalla.”




He blinked, he had sent information about fleet movements there. Then it hit him, why so many of the servants were upset. His grandfather’s ship, the RES Cyclone was leading the Task Force in Nentalla. Few of the servants here at the Embassy were ‘N’Dak’ servants, most of them were his mothers.


He was visiablly shaken now. “My grandfather’s ship, the Cyclone?”


The servant could barely respond but managed to say it. “A blaze in space.”


N’Dak nearly fell down. “Where….where is….where is my mother?”


“She is preparing transport to ch’Rihan,” the servant said whipping a tear from his eye. “She wishes au to stay here, to maintain face.”


“Of…of course,” N’Dak said still in shock. “Where is Issaha.”


“He is with your mother.”




“Contact the…Klinghannsu…tell them…tell them the embassy is closed until further notice…”


N’Dak was babbling. He couldn’t believe it, he had been responsible for the death of his own Grandfather. What in Elements was going on?


“And…find tr’North…”


The servant nodded and quickly scurried off to find tr’North.


As he stood looking off into space—another name came into his head. “t’Lehan”


He said aloud. She was an officer on his Grandfathers ship, and the only woman he had ever fallen for.


She was two years ahead of him in the Retor, but the two had met in a class and quickly became so much more than friends. In fact he would have asked her to be his bond mate, but the war had torn them apart.


The last time he had spoke with her, just a few weeks before, she had told him that she would be getting leave time, and that she wanted to come see him on Qo’Nos. She told him how much she missed him, how much she loved him.


He told her that too. He told her that she was the one, the one true love he had ever known.


She was planning on coming to see him in two weeks. He was planning on asking her to be his bond mate. As he thought of what the servant had said “burning in space” all he could think of was her face.


The tears began rolling from the proud Rihans face as he fell to his knees. Not only had he killed his grandfather, he had killed the only io he had ever loved.


There he was on the floor on his knees, crying like a child. He looked up to the sky.




>to be Continued<

Edited by NDak

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