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Daryus' log: 0406.30

Security officers log: Stardate 0406.30


Koralev and I walked into the hotel. People streamed around us dressed as Starfleet officers, Klingons, Borg. Every race in the Federation and beyond. A fake Andorian walked up to me and said. "Nice costume." I told him he had nice antennae. He didn't get my sarcasm as I stared at the transparent tape holding them to his head. I contacted the Qob and told Rhoz of our situation. Rhoz couldn't believe it, thought I was suffering from oxygen deprivation. I assured him it was true. He told us to continue recording the situation. I contacted Angie5 and asked her to scan the area for spacial anomalies and also to check on the subspace signatures Van Roy detected. Turning, I saw two very attractive and fake Orion slave girls shmoosing with the Ensign. I had to laugh remembering the real slave girls on Epsilon Indi. If those two little earther girls had any idea what being a real slave was like, they'd scream there little heads off. As we were getting a room to set up base, a scuffle broke out behind us. A man dressed as a Klingon was dragging a young woman through the lobby. As they passed Koralev stated that the man even "smelled" like a Klingon. I noticed it too, as all living creatures do emit a certain odor. Being mostly Caitian and having an enhanced sense of smell, I do notice it. I realized the Klingon was real and this was no act for the tourists. I followed the pair out of the building and approached the Klingon. He didn't appreciate my interruption and knocked me to the sidewalk. Damn my chivalrous upbringing, (blame the Cajun French culture of New Orleans) I got to my feet and pinned the Klingon to the wall. Next thing I knew I was

staring at the handle of a taj tIn (big knife) sticking out of my jacket. He buried it into my side above my hips. Klingon knife's hurt going in, but are excruciating coming out. I stared at the Klingon as he and the girl vanished in a transporter beam. Security had grabbed me and Koralev, and they were going to bring me to the hospital. Couldn't have that happen. (Could see the nurse undressing me for the exam finding out I'm a kitty all over lol) Koralev bopped the security officers and we ran into a restroom. I called for an emergency beam out, then medical emergency. Garnoopy shimmered into the transporter room and patched me up (with his usual skill). Koralev apologized for "letting me down" I assured the ensign that it was my fault, that I shouldn't have attacked the Klingon. Garnoopy pronounce me fit for duty and I went to the Meh. We were in heated battle with a Bird Of Prey. I called down to security and ordered a deck-by-deck intruder patrol as per protocol. I monitored my teams as the MeH crew did

its jobs. The B.O.P was disabled and sat drifting in space above Earth. Rhoz ordered Angie5 to open hailing frequencies and the Klingon who stuck me appeared on the screen. I really hope we have a boarding party to rescue the young human female. That Klingon and I have a score to settle. Noone sticks this kitty, and then shimmers away. More later log.


Edited by DaryusZaphodDracal

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