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Daryus' log

Security officers log: Stardate 0406.23

We were in a real bad way. The smaller unidentified ship was still

lodged in our hull. I sat on the bridge stunned as Van Roy informed

us that we were orbiting Earth in the year 2004. I monitored my security

teams as they assisted damage control and assisted with the wounded.

RHoz took command of the MeH with Kwalus seriously injured in sickbay.

RHoz ordered me to monitor communications to see if we had been spotted

by Earth defenses. It seemed we had. They were scanning two unidentified

objects on radar. Fortunately, we were in too high an orbit to be

intercepted. While Lt. Messner skillfully kept us afloat, Lt. Van Roy

was monitoring the surface. He detected Federation and Klingon subspace

and weapons signatures on the planet. I confirmed them with my scanners.

RHoz ordered myself and Ensign Koralev to take a shuttle down to the

surface to investigate. We were told to be inconspicuous and not get

spotted, easy for the human Koralev. But, I'm a 5'8" tall, purple eyed,

talking, black tomcat. How was I gonna explain that one? We took the

shuttle down and I piloted quickly down to below radar level, about

150 feet above the surface of the desert. I noticed a primitive fighter

jet on my scans and found a closed in gorge to land in. Protecting our

24'th century shuttle from prying eyes. I replicated myself and Koralev

some appropriate earth clothing, and some spending cash. He reminded me

that there were no Caitians on 21'st century Earth. We decided for cover,

he would be a magician and I his assistant in an elaborate costume. I

chose the proper attire, an nice shining leather ensemble and we set off

down the road towards the city of lights. I found out quickly that

pavement does a number on the paws after a mile or so. Koralev suggested

we hail a taxi as they were called. I noticed a yellow land vehicle with

that word on the side and whistled and waved. He stopped and let us in

and strangely didn't bat an eyelash at my appearance. I told him I wished

him to take us to the Hilton (the only hotel name I could remember). As

we were driving he said the oddest thing. He said I had an excellent

Caitian costume. I was speechless. I looked at the back of his cap and

asked, what's a Caitian? He said they were from the animated series.

I couldn't understand his words. Animated series? Of what? This was the

21'st century. Earth didn't make first contact with Cait until the late

22'nd century, after the formation of the federation. It was then that I

noticed the sign on the back of the seat. It said. "Live Long and

prosper." I just looked at Koralev in horror. The Vulcan's didn't make

first contact with Earth until the first warp flight by Zephrim Cochran

in the mid 22'nd century. How did Earth of 2004 know of the Vulcan

greeting? The taxi driver dropped us off in front of the hotel and I paid

him. He complimented my "costume" one more time before he drove off.

I turned and saw Koralev gapping at something. I looked up and about

coughed up a hairball. On a sign above us were the words, "Welcome to the

Star Trek Experience!". Below the words was something that made the spit

dry up in my throat. A perfect picture of a Galaxy Class Federation

Starship. The Number and name identified it as the U.S.S. Enterprise,

N.C.C. 1701D. Beside it was another vessel, an Intrepid Class, U.S.S.

Voyager. There were also representations of the station Deep Space 9,

and a B'reth class Klingon Bird Of Prey, and a Klingon D-7 Battle Cruiser.

I just looked at Koralev with a blank face as we walked through the front

doors of the hotel. What have we gotten ourselves into? More later log.


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