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Time is Running Out


Erien t’Vixen

RES Talon

Stardate 0406.17


>Begin Log<


On the outside, t’Vixen was barely aware of what was going on around her. But on the inside she was screaming.


Her thoughts rampaged in her mind. Eerie whispers were trapped beneath her thoughts—memories. She knew she was in the room, the room where her world would collide with that of the dead. It scared her.


The end was all she could see, trapped in the searing sounds of pain. Her mind was crying out, but her body wouldn’t respond. She was either too drugged, or to injured. The separation of mind and body had occurred.


In the starlight of gloom, she couldn’t remember when it was good; the moments of happiness eluded—all of the love she had left behind. In her mind, she could feel her life crumbling, her soul crumbling, falling, falling away. She was watching her fantasies decay. All the love she had thrown away, all of her hopes she had cherished—were crumbling away from her.


Her wrongs would remain unrectified, her soul would never be exhumed. It was long dead, now it was a matter of the physical. Looking through her faithless eye, was she afraid to die?


She was forcing herself to survive: to be endlessly cold inside, and dreaming she was alive.


Was her number up?


>End Log<

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