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Warning Level

I noticed thatt under my name, there is a warning level. When I click on it, it brings up a link thingy. The link thingy brings up a list of what ppl said. What exactly does the list does. Can someone explain better? And explain how to raise it. I've gotten some stuff removed b4, but it doesnt say anything about that.

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The warn ability is a feature of the board that is used by the board's moderators and administrators (IE: the GM Council and members of the GM team).


When a person violates the rules of the forum, they CAN have a warning placed on they're forum account. Once you recieve 5 warnings, your posting privliges are automatically removed. (The only way to get them back is to deal with A9, Sovak, or myself)


Each person can see they're OWN warning level. (So that you can know if you've been warned, what your current level is, and why you were warned.) Members of the GM Council can see EVERYONE'S warning level (since they also are the ones placing the appropriate warnings.) GMs/GM Council members are the only ones who can issue warnings on the forums.


In general... honestly it's nothing to worry about. You are sitting at a 0% warning level, so you are fine. This has been something that has been there since we moved to our new message board system around the start of the year.

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