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Into The Frying Pan

NOTE: This log happened a few sims back JUST before the el-aurian ship arrived. sorry we forgot to post it on the board!


Though Ayers may not have been too subtle in the suggestion, he was absolutely

correct; a ticket off the station would need

authorization. The only people capable of giving Victor that authorization were

the Commanding Officer, the Executive Officer and the

Chief Of Security. He chose his favourite of the three.


The doctor, once his shift was over, quickly made his way down to the midway and

hurrying past the sights and sounds of Drankums,

made his way to the Security office. When he walked through the door he saw who

he was looking for; the newly promoted,

Lieutenant Commander Muon Quark.


Sitting at her desk doing the endless supply of paperwork, Muon looks up as she

hears the door open and sees Victor. "Well good

morning Doctor. The last time you were here I believe you visited our brig for

a few days. What can I do you out of this morning?"

She motioned for him to come into her office and have a seat. "Forgive the mess

but I can't seem to pay anyone to do this paperwork

for me." Grinning, Muon sits back in her chair and notes that the good doctor

seems troubled.


"What it is Doctor?" she asks concerned.


"Well...SIR", he said, making a big friendly gesture of staring at her pips with

a cheerful grin "I need a bit of your help". He moved a

lump of papers from the opposite chair and took a seat. His expression then

became much more serious. "Its about Captain Ayers.

There is a problem concerning his medical files that I need to resolve. I need

you to give me permission to leave Aegis and to make

my way to station 405 so I can review the source of our medical records. More

than that, I need you to provide me with a false alibi for

making this trip like a conference or something. Can you help me?"


Muon slowly sits back in her chair and regards Images with a grave expression.

"You must realize Doctor that you are asking me to

break about a dozen regulations, lie to anyone who should ask, AND cover it up.

All of this just so you can verify "something" with the

Captain's medical record at station 405." Muon leans forward onto her desk and

crosses her arms. "Does that about cover what

you're asking me to do?"


"Alright, alright, I get your point, i admit it must be very awkward hearing a

request like this. But believe me, this is no ordinary

situation.", he sighs, "I'll tell you exactly whats going on, but Muon, I need

you to promise me you won't breathe a single word of what

I tell you to anyone. It is vital that this remains clandestine."


Muon nods. "Go ahead Victor. What you say here, remains here."


"Thanks, thats really good of you...Okay, here goes. The body we took off the

planet, from the bridge of that ship, you might know that

its El-Aurian. What you don't know is that the computer says its identity

belongs to someone on board Aegis, namely...Captain

Ayers." Victor paused to look at Muon's reaction, which was not what he



"That would explain his behavior since returning from the away mission and his

reaction to the appearance of the El Aurian vessel

yesterday." Muon replies calmly, her brow furrowing in thought. "I don't even

want to think about the implications of this. Please

continue." Muon motions him to finish.


He continues.


"I knew that there had to be some sort of mistake when I first found out. I

mean, it couldn't have been the Captain. Not unless he died

as a visitor from a far off future where the El-Aurians rule space, something

that I didn't find all too charming. So I told Ayers himself

the first chance I got and when I did he asked me to keep at it and see if there

were any discrepencies, so I did keep looking and there

were some. When I looked at the samples manually i discovered quite a few

differences in the biological makeup, differences that

should have easily been found on the computer. After a maintenance check I came

to the conclusion that the personnel medical files

in the computer had obviously been tampered with. The only place that could have

happened is at station 405, where the files are

relayed from."


"Now only myself, the captain and you know about this. Not Sheepy, not the

Admiral, nobody else and until we get our facts straight

I'd like to keep it that way. The idea that there's a conspiracy within the

federation against the Captain or that Ayers himself is involved

in some kind of El-Aurian plot could result in major problems if it got to the

Admiral's ears. I've got to get to 405 to clear Ayers' name

and to get hard proof of tampering. You're the only one who can get me off this

hunk of metal. Will you help me...sir?"


Muon studies him for a moment and then reaches up to tap her comm badge. "Quark

to EnsGoldShirt. Meet Doctor Images in

shuttlebay one in 10 minutes. I have a job for you." She glances back at

Images. "Doctor, I will have Ens GS take you to 405. If

anyone asks, it's just a routine transfer of a brig prisoner to 405. Also, I

would suggest you call in sick for few days" Muon glances at

her chronometer. "You'd better get going."


Victor reaches across the desk and gives the Lieutenant Commander a firm

handshake. "Thank you Muon, you're bloody marvelous."

he says with a big smile on his face. Then he gets up quickly and walks out of

the door but immediatly after he does, he sticks his

head back round the corner to say "Oh and Muon, I owe you one" with a wink

before heading on his way to the shuttlebay and the

secrets of station 405.

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