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"Engineering Report"

Findings from Borg Processor Experiments.

To: LtCmdr Jaruq

CC: Captain Moose, Engineering Staff

From: Lt Light.


After extensive testing of the Borg Processors in conjunction with our own technology I have concluded that the processors are safe to a degree. Most of the tests were conducted on a Type 9 shuttle craft. After installing the borg processor into the main computer the processor itself seemed to adapt to our technology. The common thought was that a borg part would take over the systems and adapt them to borg. The actual process is much the opposite. The processors cut off from the collective thought adapts to the first system that it is attached to.


The first and foremost benefit of these processors is there ability to control the nano-bots the Borg use to repair there vessels so quickly. Using this theory as a basis the replicator aboard the shuttle was used in a contained area to replicate three hundred standard medical nanobots. The replicator being tied into the borg processor thus allowed the replicated nano-bots to receive commands from the processor. A phaser was used to damage a area on the starboard nacelle which was also under containment. The nano-bots repaired the damage but in the process the strength and weight of the material that was repaired was different from the original. It was obvious that the nano-bots were acting under Borg repair parameters. Also it should be noted that the nano-bots doubled in number in the small amount of time they were active. The nano-bots were all destroyed using a simple self destruct protocol. The experiment was tried again only this time the processor was uploaded with standard Starfleet repair protocol. The results this time were much better. The nacelle was repaired to exact standards. However the problem of the nano-bots replicating themselves continues to be a problem.


It is my opinion that until further testing can be done with the nano-bots in conjunction with the borg processors can be done that we should not try this method of repair on the Arcadia. The sheer size and the number of nano-bots could become a problem rather quickly, and should the nano-bots ever overcome and adapt to the self destruct protocol they would replicate uncontrollably. The best application for this new technology would best be utilized with the smaller vehicles.


Lt Trichon Light

Head of Auxiliary Craft

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