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Lt. (Jg.) Apollo Link

Acting CSCI | USS Republic

Stardate 0406.04


TO: All Science Personnel

CC: Republic Command Staff


>Begin Report<




While in the Gamma Quadrant, we will be conducting many experiments and gather a great deal of information. It is my goal that this process happen as smoothly and as efficiently as possible as to facilitate the most amount of work possible.


Part I-Duty Assignments


Alpha Shift: Bridge: Lt. Link

Astrometrics: Lt. Goulry

>>Message Truncated<<



Part 2- Laboratory Research


Any officer wishing to participate in one of the following projects may contact me. If no officers contact me, project assignments will be made by me.



1) Spatial Density Scans- We will be using new equipment on loaded at Jupiter Station to determine the density of space in the Gamma Quadrent.


2) Cataloguing Stars/Gaseous Anomalies of the Gamma Quadrant- Much of the Gamma Quadrant remains unexplored and uncharted, part of our mission will be to correct that.


3) Long Range Surveys- We will be conducting several long-range surveys of under developed races and planets.



Anyone wishing to engage in individual research please contact me for approval. All projects whether already in process or yet to begin must be approved.



Additional Notes:

If you have any concerns, problems with Duty Schedules, please contact me. Thank you. Also some one will be needed as a lab assistant to help keep the Lab pets fed, watered and cared for, if your interested again please see me.


>End Report<

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