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Capt Ayers

Conversations in Time

By: Captain Kania Ace of the USS Republic


Captain Nicholas Ayers of S.H. Aegis


Nick watches the small group in Drankum's for a while. A small smile of amusement plays on his expression as he watches them. Technically he should tell the Admiral about them but then as the Admiral had so recently informed him he was relieved of his duty. The Admiral simply would have to find out on his own as Nick was in no mood to do the Andorian any favors right now.


Nick's smile disappears when the female Bajoran says something to the rest of the group and then stands, heading for him. Nick turns to slip out of the bar and hopefully manage to disappear before the woman can approach. Unfortunately the crush of the patrons entering and leaving prevents him from doing so.


He's part way down the corridor when he hears "Excuse me, sir?" behind him. Nick hesitates and then finally stops and turns around as the Bajoran exits the bar and turns to walk towards him. His gaze floats momentarily to the Captain's pips on her collar.


He dismisses the guard as she approaches. She asks "Sir? Did you wish to speak to me?"


He turns his attention back to the Captain as he says "No, I didn't. I was just reacting to something I noticed about you and your compatriots. My apologies, Ma'am"


She gives him a puzzled look as she asks "Noticed?"


He frowns slightly, wondering how to phrase his response. "How to put this." He pauses momentarily before continuing "I, like the rest of my people, have a special sensitivity to changes in time."


Her eyes widen and a trace amount of fear shows on her face. He holds up a hand and says "Don't worry. I have no intention of doing anything to harm you or yours. You obviously mean no harm to my....er to the Station. I was merely exercising some curiosity."


She replies "No, that we do not. May I ask whom you are?"


He cants his head to the side "That depends. Do I get to find out the same information about you?"


She looks to the floor as she remembers the order to keep out of sight. "Lay low, stay out of sight until Blu and her team gets here," she thinks to herself.


She replies "That would also depend on whom you are."


Nick smiles faintly "Then perhaps it would be best if we do not inform each other who we are. We're both Starfleet, that's enough, yes?"


She wonders if she's been endangering the mission and briefly her thoughts turn to

Schawana. "Yes, yes of course."


He frowns slightly "Your secret is safe with me, Captain. And I..." His voice trails off as his frown deepens.


She looks up at him intensely and asks "Can you tell me anything? About the two crew that are being held in your brig." She hesitates slightly and then adds "Secret?"


He sighs quietly "The secret being the change in time concerning your people. And as for the two of your crew that are in the brig, I know they are there but that is all I know."


The earlier fear returns as she asks "My crew? How did you know that...all I said was crew before...who and what are you?"


"It was a conclusion. There would be no reason for you to ask about them if you were not in some way connected to them. And you asked about them in the same sort of tone I would have asked about them with if they were mine."


"But you can tell me nothing about them?"


He shakes his head "Afraid not. You would have to ask Admiral Meve for more information about them."


She sighs "Apparently my boss is doing that now." Her gaze drifts to a mother and child that passes them in the corridor."


He follows her gaze then returns his attention to her as his eyes narrow. Again a picture of Schawana appears in her mind. She says hesitantly "Umm...I better get back to my group, they may come looking for me."


He nods slightly and says "I wish you well, Captain." He hesitates, seemingly considering whether to say something else or not.


"Thank you, Sir." She takes a few steps away from him then turns back to look at him.


Nick hesitates for a second more then says "I hope you find what you lost as well." He turns to head down the corridor towards the turbolifts.


Somehow she knows that he knows as she replies "As do I...good day." She turns and steps through the doors into Drankum's, intending to rejoin her group.

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