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Morgana's Homecoming, Part 5

There was io thing that Morgana was absolutely dying to do before returning to the cold darkness of space. g’Olf. Her io vice, her io passion, her io addicting habit. And to play on a real g’Olf course, with real turf, real clubs and real balls. Why that would be heaven! Just io little outing and the Daise Maenak would be refreshed and ready to return to duty.


Why her rinam chose to ruin for her by including an unwanted guest, Morgana did na know.


When Morgana had suggested the outing to her rinam and her bondmate that morning, the re of them sounded excited. What Morgana did na know is that Kalicia, after attending her meeting at Galae Command, invited some io to join them to become a complete foursome. She had na asked nor said anything to Morgana until they walked through the clubhouse and Morgana saw the male Rihan’s backside as he talked with Delon tr'Ksa.


Apparently Maec was put off guard as well. He had never been a very good actor in his Academy days, and Morgana saw that this had na improved with age. He looked startled and fluster to see Morgana had joined them for the g’Olf outing. Apparently Kalicia had na told Maec the eldest t’Ksa rinam would be joining them. Morgana, having the advantage of seeing him first, pretended to be indifferent to the new addition to the group. She would na give any of them the satisfaction that this newest turn of events upset her.


Whether they liked it or not, Kalicia immediately too command of the game, pairing Morgana and Maec to ride in a cart together and Kalicia and her bondmate in another cart. As they climbed into a g’Olf cart just as Kalicia and Delon took off in their own, Maec glanced at Morgana “I thought au said au had better things to do today. I did na know you were coming.”


“Nor I knew that you were,” Morgana responded as tugged on her gloves and settled in. She was determined to salvage as much of her game as she could. She could easily pretend Maec was a caddy or that he was na there at all.


“I believe au’s rinam is trying to set us up.” Maec scowled at the Ksas’ cart hovering towards the first tee. He roughly put the cart in gear and started towards where the Ksas' waited.


“Whatever gave au that idea?” Morgana answered dryly.


Morgana was pleasantly surprised to find that Maec was an excellent g’Olfer. She actually found herself complementing him on his form and shots during the first nine holes. And she was pleased to see her own game had na suffered to badly from the less than desirable HIC sessions she had practiced in.


The only flaw in the game was her rinam. Kalicia was painfully forcing conversation at ever turn. If ever they found themselves in a moment in silence, Kalicia was quick to fill it. She was talking enough for six Rihan and driving all of them to the brink of insanity. The only moments peace they received was when they were traveling as separate couples in the carts.


Maec sighed heavily as they prepared to exit the cart at hole thirteen. “Here we go again,” he muttered under his breath to Morgana as he eyed Kalicia and her nervous chatter with her bondmate Delon.


“I have never seen her like this,” Morgana loitered around the back of the cart, pretending to pick out a club.


“Nervousness. She is na used to playing matchmaker.” Delon also studied his clubs, eyeing Kalicia and Delon carefully.


“Matchmaker?” Morgana’s brow rose. The club she was pulling out of her bag froze as she stared at him. She had thought his comment earlier was a joke. Given Kalicia's behavior during the game, she suddenly realized that perhaps it was na.


“Ie. I told au, she's trying to set us up,” Maec’s eyes were still on the Ksas. “Perhaps I may have asked her how au were doing io too many times for her to think I was interested in au. She apparently does na want au or I to know what she is trying to do.”


Morgana pulled the club out of her bag, all the while she was studying him. He was trying too hard na to look in her direction. Memories of the Academy and his behavior came flooding back. And something else. She held the club more like a bat over her shoulder, ready to swing it at her rinam. “Well, we have several more holes to go. Better put on au’s game face.”


“I am so glad she is a far better Daise in Command, than she is in domestic situations. I don’t think I can stand her nervous chatter much longer. I would give anything to get out of this.” Maec pulled his club out of his bag, but seemed to remain unable to face Morgana.


“Anything?” Morgana tilted her head, a wicked smile gracing her face that Maec could na see. The smile disappeared as soon as he turned to face her, nose to nose.


“Ie, anything,” he whispered so that Kalicia could na hear them.


Morgana shrugged innocently and motioned for the Kheinsa to go before her. He took a few steps away from the cart only to trip over Morgana’s extended club. It was a dazzling embarrassing display as he lost his balance and landed awkwardly on the ground, mild expletives being uttered as he hit the ground.


Her rinam and bondmate only saw the end result of the fall, na the cause itself, and rushed over to see what had happened. Morgana feigned concern for him as she knelt near the ankle she had caught with the head of her club. She knew full well he could na have injured anything more than his pride in the fall. While Kalicia and Delon were still out of hearing distance, and Maec was still reeling over the presumed malice of his g’Olfing partner, Morgana leaned in and whispered with a wink, “Au remember…au said anything.”


“Are au alright?” Her voice returned to a slightly more callous 'annoyed maenak' tone, examining his ‘twisted’ ankle (Au know the tone..the io a maenak gives au when au've had an injury that au should have been able to easily avoid.) She pinched him when he did na seem to na be experiencing as much ‘pain’ as he was suppose to. After explaining what had happened and her diagnosis of the ankle, Morgana vehemently insisted that her sister and her bondmate continue playing while she dragged the crybaby over to the clubhouse for some ice. She was pleased to see the Maec was playing his part nicely, scowling at her and hobbling to the cart.


When Kalicia and Delon were out of sight, Maec reached down and rubbed his ankle where Morgana had pinched it. “If that is what au do to friends…remind me na to make au an enemy.”


His comment caused Morgana to genuinely laugh for the first time since meeting only io day ago.

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