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Temporal Spike

As a result of our failed attempt to collapse the time anamoly we have apparently expanded it, to the point where what would be best described as "temporal spikes" were sent out in different directions, intensities, and displacement. Some spikes would send the space encompassed by them a week or so in the past or several years in the future. These spikes seem to be occurring at random.


So far the QoB remains unaffected, although the time displacements we are reading have gotten worse. We observed one such spike headed toward the planet where BcH and Messner had settled. An immediate rescue mission was mounted. We proceeded to the planet at our best speed, and charged up the main deflector dish to emit a neutralizing spread, but we were too late. The fastest warp speed can't outrun a temporal spike (possibly because of some kind of "anti-time" phenomena?) so by the time we arrived I was detecting four humanoids (or klingonoids if you prefer) where there should have been only 2. I do not think it was a glitch in my sensors as Lt. Perfect's science sensors, which function independently, confirmed the same result.


At any rate I was ordered to not fire the spread without additional information. For the moment the time spike prevents us from taking a more detailed scan of the surface. All we know is that we are reading 4 beings on the surface. We can hypothise that our BcH and Messner are among them, and that the other two might be either past or future versions of them, but at the moment we can not confirm this. The time displacement field prevents us from getting a transporter lock on any of them. Even if this were an option, however, it would not be advisable to beam 4 unknown beings to the ship.


The main deflector remains charged, but the necessary rescue will not be without pitfalls. BcH and Messner left the crew under less than ideal circumstances and are probably not agreeable to returning. By their own choice they have also been without any means of off-planet communication for several weeks and are probably unaware that any temporal abnormalities even exist.

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