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Return to Hein'Rhe


Arrain Destorie N’Dak


Stardate 0405.05


>Begin Log<


Destorie walked sullenly in the sunlight lit commons of the Imperial Senate Compound. The sun was out and it was a glorious day. He could smell the fresh flowers along the walk, the finest in the Empire. The sidewalks were built using only the finest of rocks from ch’Rihan. Indeed the Compound housed only the finest ch’Rihan, and indeed the entire Empire had to offer—except him.


Despite the wonderful Destorie could na even smile. In distance he could see his family home rising on the horizon. Even at the distance it was impressive, even to him. D’Lvon had built it when Destorie was yet a young one. And they had lived their most of Destorie’s life.


D’Lvon had grown up on the outskirts of a town called Hein’rhe. Long had the N’Dak been highly regarded there. Destorie’s grandfather had been a famous Khre’Riov, his great great grandfather an Imperial Governor, and the list went on. They had a large estate in Hein’rhe tucked high in the mountains above Hein’rhe, but Destorie had na visted there in many years. Na, the home at Hein’rhe was na home.


He looked up as he entered the courtyard of the N’Dak home, in the center was a statue of his father, standing proud with one arm forward reaching for the sky, the other on his chest. It was an imposing sight to be sure. Destorie stopped and looked up at the statue, it stood some 10 meters high.


How would he ever live up to that? How would he ever live through this? The answers still eluded him. Nothing was certain to him any more. Nothing at all.


He looked at the chrono in his pocket. He still had a few days left. As he stood in the shadow of his father’s statue he decided he need to get away from all of this to think clearly, it was time for his return to Hein’rhe.


He walked into the house. The corridors were silent and it appeared na io was around. He would have to hurry if he wished to spend any time at Hein’rhe. He would na have time to locate Issaha, or for that matter his father. He would say good bye to d’Lvon later. He headed to his quarters and called for tr’Oujiki.


“Jolan tru young master,” the slender and aged Rihan said as he came into Destorie’s quarters. “What can I do aus for?”


Destorie smiled at tr’Oujiki. He had long been a servant of the N’Dak’s. He was a fine Rihannassu and did na mind he life of servitude, for it was an easy life and was well taken care of by D’Lvon. It some times shamed Destorie that such a fine Rihan was na his own master , but right now there was nothing Destorie could do about it.


“Ie, tr’Oujiki,” Destorie said as he packed the few thing he had brought with him. “I need au to arrange for my transport to the Estate at Hein’rhe. I also need au to tell my father and brother where I am going. Tell Issaha I will meet him back on the Talon, tell my father I will contact him before I leave. H’Nah hurry, my time is limited.”


tr’Oujiki nodded. He knew better than to ask any further questions. If Destorie had wanted him to know more, he would have told him. He left the room and did as he was asked.




A few hours latter. Destorie was relaxing in a lounge chair at Hein’rhe. It was a quaint city, very old, but quaint. Founded just a few hundred years after planet-fall, Hein’rhe contained some of the eldest temples and ruins in the Empire.


It was here, East of the Capital, that the N’Daks had flourished. For some five generations the House of N’Dak had been one of the most powerful of all of the houses in the Empire. And now as Destorie looked out from the Balcony, high above Hein’rhe, he could see the falling of his house.


Destorie’s mind drifted as the sweet mountain air swept around him. Hein’rhe twinkled as the sun began to set. The sounds of a buzzing city swirled with the mountain air in an aural symphony. The N’Dak’s had helped to make Hein’rhe what is was today, the people had na forgotten that, and even though the N’Daks had na lived in Hein’rhe for many years, they still considered the N’Daks to be ‘thiers.’ Indeed many monuments stood to the Faelirhs of the House of N’Dak. But would they forgive them if one of their prodigal sons was a traitor?


Destorie did na know. He hoped it would na come to that, but he had best be prepared. Soon he would rest. But na yet, he wanted to look out at Hein’rhe a while longer. Someday he would return here and live, he decided. Here high above Hein’rhe, away from the politics of the Capital, he would one day make his home.


>End Log<

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