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Daryus', personal log

Personal Log Stardate 0405.03:

Well, It's been an intesting two days as Assistant Security officer here on the good ship Qob. Enjoying my new duties and love my single cabin. The big fluffy kitty bed makes up for the the lost comradery of the cramped crewmans bunks. My new pip shines in the mirror, I love being an officer. *grin* Haven't met my CSEC yet. He's on an away mission right now. Had an interesting first night on the bridge. Commander Kwalus must not be a cat lover. She looked at me and asked Roz, "What's this animal doing on my bridge?" I had to stifle a laugh. I really don't want to ###### off my commander, especially my KLINGON commander. Had a stabbing on the bridge. Koralev was stabbed in the chest. Didn't see who threw the knife though. Had to assist Dr. Garnoopy in surgery to save Koralev's life.

Second night was interesting. Just wandered the ship doing my rounds. Got a really good look at my home. Found places I didn't know existed on this ship.

On a more personal note, Angie5 and I sparred with our bat'leths in the gym this morning. She's getting really good (for a scientist. LOL) She is such a sweetie though. Can't imagine her lopping off anyones head. LOL Ok, I've jabbered enough dear log. So, I'll curl up and go to sleep. Wondering what tomorrow will bring, Dr. Garnoopy still has to give me my physical. *shudder* Better get to bed. Angie will be tapping on my door with her bat'leth in the morning and I don't want to face that little Borg when I'm tired. She might chop off my tail. LOL

Edited by DaryusZaphodDracal

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