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RES Talon Crew Roster

RES Talon Crew Roster

Updated: 2004.04.22

Crew Compliment 12


Crew notes:

FRESH MEAT....uhm....::cough:: I mean, new officers!!! Yea!! Fhaen aefvahd to our two new officers that will be reporting in tonight. Erein tr'Vosh reporting in to Security, and Erein tr'Lahir reporting to medical. Fhaen, remember to post your bios and logs at our boards at STSF.net. If au need help getting to them, let me know, and we'll get you all squared away! I'll send out an updated mailstring once I get tr'Lahir's email address. Please note, crew awards will be updated shortly. Laptop is still off and on, but I've got it temporarily up, so working on file recovery and tally. I'll be having to send it on vacation soon, but will get it done this weekend.



R. E. S. Talon

D'deridex Warbird

Registry# - 2415



Enarrain: Khre'Riov L'haiy t'Rexan [female]

(KhreRiovtRex) /////%%# $@


Executive Officer/Tactical: Another One In Stasis..awaiting yet another replacement


2XO: Daise'Maenak (Infectious Disease/Biohazard Specialist):

Daise'Erei'Riov Morgana t'Ksa [female]

(M_K_tKsa) %%%%%%#////////++++ (2XO)


Oira Officers:

Ops/Comm: DEAD =POST NOW OPEN= (Internal posting*)


Helm Officer: DEAD =POST NOW OPEN= (Internal posting*)




Daise'Engineer/Systems Specialist: El 'Riov Laehval t'Temarr

[female] (Laehval_Temarr) ////#%%%%%++++++++++


Scout Ship and H'teij Specialist: El'Arrain Lerak Pexil

[male] ////%% (arrain_lerak_trpexil)


AQS and Utilities Network Specialist: Arrain R'Tor Bat'ok [female] (R'Tor) %%/+


General Engineering: Erein Salic Tr’Maltic [male]



Daise'Science Officer: = El'Arrain t'Oo [female]

(ElArraintOo) (XLOA)


Life Science Specialist: Erda Issaha N’dak [male]


Physical Sciences Specialist: DEAD =POST NOW OPEN=


Stellar Physics Specialist: DEAD =POST NOW OPEN=






Daise D'heno: Arrain Destorie Ma'Lyn N'dak [male] (ErnNdak)


Disheren Security Officer: Arrain Shibae t'Aehjae [female]

(schwansee) # % / +


Disheren Security Officer: Erein tr'Vosh [male]


Disheren Security Officer: DEAD =POST NOW OPEN=



Daise'Maenak (Infectious Disease/Biohazard Specialist):

Daise'Erei'Riov Morgana t'Ksa [female]

(M_K_tKsa) %%%%%%#////////++++ (2XO)


Disheren Maenak: Erein Agrie Stoul tr'Lahir [male]


Disheren Maenak: DEAD =POST NOW OPEN=


Leave of Absence: El'Arrain t'Oo (XLOA)


Awards: Granted to those crew members making that extra special effort.


& - Crystal Crab Award (150 sims in a row without an absence or excusal)

@ - Platinum Good Conduct Medal (100 sims in a row without an absence or excusal)

$ - Gold Good Conduct Medal (50 sims in a row without an absence or excusal

# - Silver Good Conduct Medal (25 sims in a row without an absence or excusal)

% - Bronze Good Conduct Medal (10 sims in a row without an absence or excusal)

/ - Service Stripe (attending 25 sims)

+ - Merit Award (excellence in log writing)


* = post may be awarded at the discretion of the command team, should no internal players have interest in transferring

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