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Can I get a side order of Sarcasim with that?


Lt. (Jg.) Apollo Link

Acting CSCI USS Republic

Stardate 0403.26


>Begin Log<


Apollo looked around the brig and at his fellow inhabitants of said brig. A motley crew to be sure.


Elsewhere across the time-space continuum, he figured the Link family was divided in their opinions of the whole matter of a missing Link.


His father Terrias would be in “see I told you—if you go off to the Fleet not only will your work as scientist be compromised, but you will end up dead or wishing you were dead.”


His mother, who at last he had heard was now on Earth in some Bureaucratic desk job, would be taking the: “Serving the Federation is the highest honor—and if that means dying for the Federation, so be it” mode


His twin brother Xeno would be going “Man—Apollo always gets to have all the fun—he could have at least taken me with him when he disappeared.”


At some level they were all correct. And at some level they were all wrong.


Xeno would be getting a kick out of all of this—he actually would have been very useful on this mission—he was a specialist in Temporal Theory and Relativity—areas that gave Apollo massive head aches.


Speaking of head aches, this entire matter was giving Apollo one—this Sprint guard had blamed the Republic for a war with the “cricket people,” and now said something about trying them for violating the Prime Directive and the Temporal Prime Directive.


Oh how rich that was—oh yes let me tell you—the Republic crew went out of its way to mess the timeline up, oh yes we wanted those people on Rexxar to spot us and launch nukes at Rogresh, and yeah we wanted that temporal anomaly to belch out that chronoton wave and cause millions of innocent Rogresh to lose their life. And to top it all off—we just decided to strand ourselves here in the future with out a ship by crashing it into the Crickets. Let me tell you.


Apollo caught himself getting a little too emotional. Must be the extended time with all of these humans—what ever it was—he decided it was time to meditate and collect his thoughts. He had heard someone say they were nearing Sector 001, at least the crew had managed to get back to Earth.


>End Log<

Edited by Apollo

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