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HoD Bch

Mission Summaries

0403.02: The crew hunts beasts on the planet with varying success. Bch loads up a shuttle with things from every department on the ship and lands on the planet. She unpacks the shuttle contents.


0403.10: As the crew becomes aware of Bch's intentions to "move" to this planet, the questioning begins... Rhoz is sent initially to determine if there is a medical problem. On the bridge, the possibility that changling from the previous mission has taken control of Bch is discussed.


0403.17: The shuttle finally returns to the Qob without Bch, but Kwalus brings it back down again to talk one on one. Bch is convincing in her resolve to stay and orders Kwalus to take the Qob home with one last command. Kwalus reluctanly agrees and brings the news back to the crew.


0403.24: After Kwalus returns, the crew discusses what to do with the situation with Bch. Messner goes down to the planet, apparently to convince Bch to return, however he also does not intend to return. The caves seem to have some natural shielding against beaming. There is some question about the conditions of the planet for long term life. Koralev is treated for cow wounds.


0403.31: After some more confusion about retrieving Messner from the planet, and confirming that it is a life sustainable planet, Kwalus decides to get on with it and leave both Messner and Bch there to do as each wishes. As HoD she takes the ship out of orbit and resumes course home.

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