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Elasia: Problems Revealed (Part III)


Lt. (Jg.) Koshic N’dak, Ph.D.

ASCI USS Arcadia

Stardate 0401.12


>And now the continuance<


Koshic sat unhappily in his chair at the end of the dinner table. Coreth hadn’t and wouldn’t tell him why he had been recalled to Elasia. That was about to change.


After dinner Coreth asked Alexei politely for some time alone with Koshic,a sign of something troubling. That was the Elasian way, when something troubling happened or something personal was to be discussed only those parties involved were included, even the servants were told to clear the room.


After they had done so, Koshic and Coreth stood alone near the large open floor-to-ceiling windows.


“This isn’t good is it?” Koshic said sullenly.


“No, my lord, its not,” Coreth said after a few moments. “As I am sure you have already figured out that you wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for something important.”


Koshic nodded in response. He knew this was important, anything less than an state emergency Coreth could handle.


“It’s the Free Ruler’s again Koshic,” Coreth said after another long moment. “They are threanting violence this time, they even took an attempt on Dohla Hecua.”


Koshic face went white. It had been many years since the “Free Rulers” had openly protested the rule of the regents. The last time was 45 years ago. A bloody Civil War erupted. Billions were killed, including the Dohlman and her Arc Royal.




Nearly 1000 years ago “the one” had come to Elaisia. He brought order to the chaos that was a planet torn by war. A planet of Seven continents and a dozen kingdoms. The one had brought order, tought the Elasians to live as one people, taught them that in order to defeat the perils that would await them beyond the stars, that they would have to be one race.


The one installed a system known as the “Alliance of Regents.” Each regent would be chosen from the strongest of the Rulers of Each Continent. The Regents would be in charge of the everyday rule of each continent, but they would all answer to the Dohlman, the ceremonial wife of the one. For over 1000 years this system worked well, for almost 1000 years there had been no wars between the people of Elasia.


But all of that changed. The Revolt had started in Tula Mosqe the capital of Carinth. There the people were ruled by an elected Regent and a “Parliament.” When the Free Rule Party finally gained power over the Loyalist party, the Loyalists, who wanted to stay part of the Alliance of the Regents, presided over by the Dohlman, were executed on sight. Within a week of the Free Rule Party’s take over, full scale warfare was going on in the streets of Tula Mosqe.


The eventual victory of the FRP and the reluctance of the other Regents to help the Loyalists, led similar Movements to pop up through out the planet.


In Arema, land of the seven kingdoms, the FRP overthrew the Regent and united with Carinth against the Dohlman. In Gilloan and Yviard, the FRP fought a brutal and bloody civil war against the Monarchal Regents, leaving the continents in ruin. The Rohland, like the Sacred Realm of the Dohlman came under attack from the joint forces of the FRP in Carinth and Arema, in addition a FRP faction of Rohlians began to gain favor with the people and with in 3 years of the original FRP take over of Carinth, the N’Dak Armies were no longer fighting the FRP of Carinth and Arema, but fighting its own civil war.


Only one of the 7 continents wasn’t plunged into war—the dark continent of Imajjia remained free from the FRP.


For the first time since the appearance of “the one” nearly 1000 years ago, Elasians took up sword against each other. The brutal conflict lasted nearly 10 years, an entire generation was lost, billions were left dead and homeless. The FRP had eventually been defeated by a last Alliance of the Remaining loyalists and Regents lead by a new Dohlman Reahe.


While the Alliance was restored and a new Dohlman assumed power, the power of the regents, and indeed the Dohlman herself had been severely tarnished. As part of the peace agreement between the FRP and the Alliance, each of the Seven Regents would have an elected body below them that would actually be in control of making the laws.


In Carinth, the Regent was still elected; in Arema the Regent was actually a council of the Seven Kings of Arema; in the Yviard and the Gilloan the Regent was still a hereditary position but no longer had any real power, other than representation in the Council of the Regents; in Imajjia the “Congress of the Regent” was a puppet for the Regent—but none of the Imajjians were troubled by that; and in the Rohland and Realm of the Dohlman—the Regents were the executive branch—the Congress of the Regent created laws, but the regent enforced and approved all legislation and laso still had command of the military.


After the war the FRP was no longer a poltical factor, Elasians had turned against those who had brought such despair to the people.




“Surely not Coreth,” Koshic uttered. “Surely they have not returned?”


“I joke not,” Coreth said blankly. “A New FRP is back, and the pose a great threat to us. Hecua has called a meeting of the Alliance…”



>To Be Continued<

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