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Destorie's Past: Daily Grind

Authors note: This is the second part in the background story of the Daise Dheno, before he joined the Talon. This part takes place a few weeks after his arrival on Qo'Nos.


>Begin Log<


It had been three weeks since he had come to Qo’Nos, and he finally felt settled into his new job. It was fascinating, the massive amount of logistic work that was going into running this war.


Even the Klingons had pages and pages for him to translate and compile then send to Galae Command. Every morning, after morning meal, he would come into his office to find dozens of fleet movements, ship deployments and a myriad of intelligence reports from the Klingon Military to go over.


At first it had been difficult to read the Klingon, but he had picked up on it quickly, at the Retor he had learned some Klingonnesse, but in prep for this assignment he had to be fluent in it. It wasn’t all that bad of a language in al’ truths, very expressive—if you were aggressive mongrel.


Destorie entered his office. The window was open, letting the foul air enter. It still gagged him, he closed it tight. His mother was wrong, he would never get used to the that smell. How she had stood it this long was beyond him.


This mornings reports were, as usual, not to interesting—two birds of prey had been destroyed; a convoy of supplies was being dispatched; the third battle group was being deployed along the Klingon-Tholian border. All of this was encoded in Klingon; he had decode all of it, then recode in Romulan and send it out to the ch’Rihan.


Next he would receive the information he was to pass on to his Klingon Counterpart. They were middle men. He had met his Klingon counterpart a few days ago at a ‘party’ at the Klingon Embassy.


Say one thing for this job—he had a chance to meet people. In the three weeks he had been here he had meet two Khre’Riovs, a Praetor, three Klingon Generals, the entire Klingon High Council and the High Chancellor.


The morning reports were boring. It would take him two hours to do them all. The he would be free to do as he pleased until afternoon, when more reports would come in from the Klingon High Command. He would have to recode them into Rihan and send them out just as he had the morning reports.


After he was done with that, he was free to return to the residential wing of the Embassy. Dinner was never a simple affair, almost every night there was some social event he would have to attend. Tonight was no different, Councilor Ren’MoK was having some sort of grand affair at his home this evening, his mother had been invited, therefore he would be going with her.


Ren’MoK ‘s ‘dinner’ would be, as Destorie had decided about all such Klingon affairs, horridly boring—although tonight might be interesting after all. Ren’MoK’s eldest son was coming of age today and this would be an accession feast. So at least he would get to see the Klingons in attendance get roaring drunk and make idiots out of themselves. Heck he might even get to see one of the kill the other one.


A smile came to his face as left his office that day. Then a slight frown; there would be bloodwine. And his brother would be attending as well. Bloodwine and Issaha…never a good combination.




>to be continued<

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