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Brian Graham

Devil in the Dark 2

Lt. Jg. Brian Graham

Acting Chief of Security

USS Excalibur

Stardate 200403.14


Brian Graham felt odd on board the Excalibur. Seeing the other Soverign-class vessel in space while sitting on a cloaked ship made him feel strangely Romulan.


He quickly disregarded these thoughts and went back to monitioring the scans. As the San Francisco went along with the mission, the Excalibur stayed behind the scenes, scanning the system and ready to provide aid to the the San Francisco if needed. Keeping one ship cloaked was a brilliant maneuver, not tipping Starfleet's full hand.


Brian was currently searching for the presence of a vessel that had attacked the colony in this system. Even though this particular colony didn't have the best of feelings toward the Federation, Starfleet never ignored a distress call.


So far, nothing conclusive had been found. The Excalibur was only using passive sensors, turning up little. There were several places in the sytstem where a vessel to hide, some places where even active scanning wouldn't detect them. Brian had begun to think that the ship had hightailed it and ran when an ominous communication met them.


Whoever he was, he appeared to be quite pleased with himself and somewhat arrogant. Claiming the planet was his and then having to audacity to order a Soverign-class ship to leave. Brian had no idea who this person thought he was, but doubted he could elude two Soverigns...

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