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The Exam

The Exam

By Erein Khev'Lar


A Disruptor-proof Production

Guest Star: El'Arrain Morgana t'Ksa


Tarryn stalked down to sick bay with a scowl on his face. He had heard from the other ereina on the ship that the maenaknn here were......harsh...to put it lightly. I had been poked and prodded enough in the Galae Phi'lasasam, he thought to himself. And it's na over? He walked in, folding his arms and staring at the maenaknn.


Morgana raised a brow, her mood on a downslide because of all the trouble io Erein was causing during his physical. "And just who is this arrogant io?" She flicked a rather mean looking and very long needle she held in her hand. How unfortunate that *all* the hyposprays are being repaired today...


Tarryn eyed her. "*Au* are na going to stick *me* with that," he smirked.


"Ie...I am...bend over." She shot him a cool look.


He raised his brows. "Na. Na way, uh uh, forget it."


"If au want to remain on this ship...au will do as au are told Erein." She folded her arms. "Au need au's shots...bend *over*."


He smirked. "I have already received my shots, El'Arrain. And I *will* remain on this ship."


Morgana whistled and three rather large security officers entered sick bay. "Would au quii assist Etre Khev'lar to assume the position?" she asked, unfazed.


Tarryn's dark eyes widened. "Na, na, na..." He waved his hands in surrender, then lowered his head. "I will comply." He sighed.


"Menkha." She nodded sharply, then motioned to the biobed. "If au fhaen...."


He pointed at the guards. "*They* will have to leave."


"Are au in a position to demand, Erein?" She raised a brow, knowing the security chief would have a field day with that io.


"Maybe not, but I *refuse* to bare my rear end to *them*."


She sighed. "Au insist on making this difficult..." She leaned over and whispered to the security officers, who then left, save for one, who hung around behind the curtain.....just in case. "Better?"


He nodded curtly, smirking. "Ie." He shook his head slowly as he bared his rear end, bending over.


Morgana pondered for a moment at all the trouble this io gave her, then smirked, jabbing the needle hard into his rear end. Tarryn bit his lip hard, stifling a cry, but it came out as a small groan. An aide came over to her and whispered in her ear. She nodded as she watched Tarryn lean up and refasten his pants. "By the way, Erein? The hypos are fixed now."


He smirked, rubbing his rear end. "*Now* she tells me."


She gave him a sweet innocent look. "Do au have a problem with that, Erein?"


He folded his arms, frowning. "I *did* but that's water under the oira now."


She rolled her eyes, getting annoyed. "Au better watch it, veruul...or some io will show au the nearest exit...out an airlock."


He raised a brow. "And I suppose au want to be the first to do that?"


Morgana smirked mischievously, picking up a multicorder. "I might..." She tapped on it. "Now...to finish au's scans......." Tarryn stood there waiting, because he couldn't sit down just yet. She shook her head. "Any illness, allergies, medical conditions I should be aware of?"




"Marks, abrasions, bruises, scars, tattoos?"


He turned his head to the left. "Scar." He smirked.


She rolled her eyes. "Au are a comedian, ie?"


He raised a brow. "Do I *look* like a comedian, Lhhei?"


She smirked. "Ie...au do, Erein." She started working on his reflexes without warning him first.


He blinked, stepping back a few paces. "Hey...what are au doing now?"


She sighed in aggravation. "Checking au's reflexes...now stand still." She only gave *him* trouble because he caused *her* trouble earlier. He smirked, na liking it at all. She made a few notations on the ISD. "Hmmmmm...."


"What?" He leaned over to look.


She moved the ISD out of his eyesight. "Do au *mind*?"


"Hey, if au are going to 'Hmmmmm...' I want to know why."


"Au are an insolent io, are au?" She smiled sweetly, tapping a few commands in her ISD. "Au have an appointment with Daise'Erei'Riov Mallik at 21:00 hours to deal with that." She looked up.


He raised a brow. "And *who* is Daise'Erei'Riov Mallik?"


She smirked. "Was formally io of our tactical officers and is now Assistant Kheinsa...I think he can handle au's problems very well."


He snorted, then laughed. "A tactical officer? A *kheinsa*?"


She eyed him. "Ie...I think it is appropriate...who better to deal with such problems as the mental health of our ship?" There was something in her eyes that should have told him that he was in *it* up to his eyeballs now.


He folded his arms. "We'll see."


"Ie...that we will..." She chuckled, almost cackling as she inputted the data in the main computer. He's going to be chewed alive....


"Can I *go* now?"


She looked at her readings. "Just io more test....." She looked at Taev. "Taev, would au administer the eye test?"


Tarryn's dark eyes widened, having heard of this particular maenak's adventures and stepped back a few paces, looking for an escape route.....

Edited by m_k_tksa

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