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Destorie's Past: A Nice View

Authors note: This is the first part in the background story of the Daise Dheno, before he joined the Talon. This part takes place upon his arrival at Qo'Nos during the closing stages of the Dominion War.



>Begin Log<


It was a gross and mucky day on Qo’Nos, as usual. A Rihan shuttle landed softly on a pad outside the Rihan Embassy. Destorie N’dak stepped onto the platform. Even the planet had a stench about it, something dirty and primal.


He had taken a position as a Military Liaison on the Embassy. The job was simple, he received fleet movements and intelligence reports from Galae Command and compiled them and sent them to a Klingon counterpart who intern did the same thing for him. It was menial, but it was a foot in the door, and it wasn’t on the frontline of the war.


Destorie still had a year left in the Retor, but was doing a semester of field work toward that credit. He had been given the rank of Errien. His mother had arranged the position for him and was most pleased to have her son nearby.


She greeted him at the edge of the pad. “Jolan Tru, Destorie,” she said embracing him. “I trust your trip was uneventful.”


“Ie,” he said hugging her back. “Can we go inside, the stench of this planet is making me ill.”


She laughed a bit and nodded an ie and motioned him inside the rather large Embassy building.


“Au will get used to the smell,” she said as the doors slid shut behind them. “Au quarters are on the second level, they have a beautiful view.”


Destorie made a bemused smirk. That was funny, how in elements name could anyplace on the wretched planet have a nice view.


He smiled to his mother and trudged up the steps to the second level. His belonging had been sent ahead of him and unpacked by the servants. Thank elements for that, he at least got have the family servants here. He opened the door to his new living area. They were Spartan by Rihan standards, but lavish by Klingon standards. Elements it had a bed and not just a cold slab.


Destorie’s head valet, tr’Yeran, lowered his head as Destorie entered the room. “Everything looks in order tr’Yeran,” Destorie said. “Au are free to go until dinner.”


“Ie Rekkhai,” tr’Yeran said and left the room.


tr’Yeran had served Destorie’s family since before he was born and had looked after Destorie all of his life. He was elderly, but not to the point of decrepit ness. He was almost stately and regal in his servitude. Here was a man who understood his place and was content in looking after the young Rekkhai than he was anything else.


Destorie turned and looked out the window. His room over looked the ‘courtyard’ and in the distance you could see the rising figure of the “Great Hall.” From here upon a small hill, you could see the entire capitol city sprawled out as far as the eye could see.


He turned and sighed. It was going to be a long few months. Soon Issaha would be coming to live with him and his mother ad he would half to deal with these foul Klingons on a daily basis. Little did he know how interesting it would be.


>to be continued<

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