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Raving Lunatics


Lt. (Jg.) Koshic N’Dak

ASCI USS Arcadia

Stardate 0403.02


>Begin Log<


Koshic nodded to Commander Lo’ami and walked off of the bridge. “Thank god I am out of there.”


Koshic rubbed his temples as he just stood their in the lift, alone. “Science Lab 3”


The TL began to hum lightly as it sped to its destination. Even though he was alone, he had the thoughts of about 1500 people streaming through his mind. It was times like this he wished he had never been born a telepath.


Ever since the crew had found out about the death, or disappearance, or whatever the hell you wanted to call it of Commander Dacotah, they had been on the verge of insanity. Half the crew ready to turn the danm ship around and go pell-mell back to the Talon and go on some crazed rescue mission, the other half so distraught they didn’t care.


He could feel their anxiety, their grief, their anger surging through him. Koshic could feel it all welling up inside him. Even the Captain seemed to be on the verge of losing his cool. Hell he had lost his cool.


He had never seen a crew get so upset about the loss of one woman. Koshic shook his head, he didn’t even know the woman, no skin off his back. But yet, he couldn’t help but feel bad about the whole situation.


The TL stopped and he walked out onto the deck and headed to the science lab. Humans are so peculiar when it comes to death, he thought to himself.


He walked past Ensign Okawa. She was rather new to the crew, but as he walked past her, she radiated of sorrow for the loss of the Commander. He blinked and trudged on.


They are so overreacting he thought. Perhaps it was because they didn’t have a body for closure, but still, this mass hysteria was ridiculous. After all, when some one is disrupted there usually isn’t much left. And now they were grasping at any straw they could coming up with excuse to save her.


“Raving Lunatics”


Koshic sighed and entered the room and tapped a consol transfring the information he was working on to his consol. He brought the ‘squid’ speak and started running another translation algorithm. It would take about 1 hour before it was done so Koshic leaned back in his seat closed his eyes and tried clear out the ‘raving lunatics.’


>End Log<

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