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Double Shot

I figured Ensign Koralev could handle the routine tasks in engineering for a couple duty shifts at least. I needed the time to address some reports and status updates that had been neglected the past couple weeks.


When I left my office Koralev informed me of the goings-on aboard the ship in my absence. It turns out that the IKC Qo'latlh may have been a fabrication, and that they may have implanted our ship with a shapeshifter. If I have the details correct Dr. Garnoopy, now a full Lieutenant, and LtSg Messner had accused each other of being the shapeshifter.


Details are still sketchy but apparently there had been a phaser fight between the two. Garnoopy, I remember, had been specifically prohibited by Security from operating phasers. Nevertheless I am told that during the altercation Garnoopy had been shot in the butt. This is an especially embarrassing body part for humans to be shot in, but the interesting phenomenon - from a medical perspective at least - is that the other Qels had not been able to determine a specific point of entry. That thermal regenerator must have hurt like heck.


Most of the crew had undergone examinations to rule out being the shapeshifter, and my turn was next. Garnoopy came down to Main Engineering to administer my test. I didn't think it wise to inquire about his phaser injury under the circumstances, I just rolled up my sleeve and let him draw a blood sample. After running his test he said "Yup, you're a pure Vulcan." I thanked him for the compliment and added his lollipop to my drawer full of Garnoopy's unused lollipops.


It seems to me that, if there is a shapeshifter on board, it would not do something as obvious as immitate a crewman. The standard shapeshifter test would easily separate a legitimate crewman from an imposter. It does take time to administer the test to the whole crew but we have all been on this ship for over 7 years now , seeing no one but ourselves, and have come to know each other quite well. A shapeshifter posing as a crewman would not be able to imitate the nuances of a crewman's personality enough to fool his colleagues.


I don't know if these shapeshifters are similar to the Founders in the Gamma Quadrant or maybe a variation of Species 8472 which also has a limited shifting ability. However, given what we know about allasomorphic life forms in general, it would not be able to immitate a piece of machinery. A computer or other piece of technical equipment has chemicals, electrically charged components, moving parts. A shapeshifter could not hope to duplicate those complex functions. If there is a shapeshifter it has most likely taken the form of a chair, table, or some other innocent-looking object.


I predict Engineering will eventually be tasked to duplicate the electromagnetic field used in Medical's shapeshifting detection devices on a shipwide scale, thus removing the shapeshifter's ability to form solid objects. Once it's biology compels it to return to it's very recognizable near-liquid natural state, which it must do every so often, it will be unable to form new shapes to remain undetected.

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